Example sentences of "may see " in BNC.

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1 A magic peep-hole , wrote Harsnet. pay extra and you may see Ferdinand and Miranda playing at chess .
2 Or you may see exactly what you would see by looking through the glass at any point .
3 Aniela Jaff has spoken of ‘ the mysterious and lonely poetry , ’ which she finds in Chagall 's art , a ‘ ghostly aspect of things that only rare individuals may see , ’ which very much encapsulates Leonard 's work , too .
4 And we may see another reason for the ambiguity in Leonard : Ashkenazi Jews expressed themselves in Yiddish , which was not merely their language ( resting on 16th-century Middle High German and many Slavic loan-words ) but in a particular sense a reflection of their world , their universe .
5 If you go there after dark now , you may see UFOs and small-headed hominoids 12 feet tall .
6 More detached observers suggest that in the next century historians may see Mrs Thatcher as a figure having no more long-term significance than Wilson , Heath , or Callaghan .
7 ‘ If we do n't do well in the exam , if we do n't get anything here , ’ Sheila blurted out , as they said goodbye outside the front garden while Moran waited with the engine running to drive Maggie to the station , ‘ you may see us in London soon enough . ’
8 You may see groups of children around the community studying water life or bird watching .
9 Next month 's summit-at-sea may see a resolution of the Bush Administration 's schizophrenia over Moscow .
10 But others may see his move as evidence of a desire to use the election campaign to concentrate on moves towards reunification with East Germany .
11 A change in the tax rules affecting pensions was shortly followed by a job with the Department of Environment 's Property Services Agency , a post which carries him through to March and may see him stay until he is 70 .
12 We may see it even in political fundamentalism — where the teachings of a reformer are still seen as the crystal clear teachings which are the pure source of revelation , and from which deviation is heresy .
13 ‘ all the witches dance here at midnight : and those who go may see their own ghosts walking up and down with a little Billet on the back , giving the names of those who had wished them there .
14 May see you all at luncheon .
15 We may see rage in a bucking horse , acute anxiety in a solitary horse galloping up and down a fence , great fear in a horse that cowers and jams its tail down hard between its hind legs , or elation in a pony that has escaped from a yard and is prancing around the paddock in an exuberant high-stepping trot .
16 It may see a man as it would a stallion , and regard him as the Big Boss .
17 It may see a woman as a bossy mare , and best to be avoided .
18 And it may see a child as a foal , and may not find it as intimidating or threatening as a mature person .
19 When we go down to the shops we may see an acquaintance on the other side of the road .
20 If you will not come to us I am resolved to bring Oreste to you by and by so you may see how he progresses which I hope will be as well as when he was under your care .
21 I feared in Rome I detected a great change for the worse , but she has stood the journey well , better than might have been expected , and now , if all remains serene , we may see her build up again . ’
22 The markets have already largely discounted this result but we may see shares and the pound slipping a bit further .
23 Some may see it as a chance for Mr Major to show how Britain can use the EC to promote its own policies from within .
24 The administration and the external political and administrative establishment may see participation as a political end in itself , as well as a means to building coalitions for the political good of their establishment .
25 We may see in this encouragement of scholars not only an attempt to improve the status of the realm , but a genuine curiosity for learning on the part of Charles himself .
26 I have now , through your lordship 's favour , the satisfaction of seeing them cultivated in my neighbourhood , by the skilful hand of my friend , Mr. Miller , and shall take the first opportunity of describing and engraving them that the public may see how much they are indebted to your lordship .
27 Apart from a silver cup sent by Sir Hans Sloane in 1742 , with which John Bartram was ‘ well pleased that thy name is engraved upon it at large , so that when my friends drink out of it , they may see who was my benefactor ’ and a gold medal from a Society of Gentlemen in Edinburgh , tangible appreciation was slow to cross the Atlantic .
28 On warm sunny days you may see Red-eared Terrapins basking around the edge of the lake .
29 We may see here a way of expressing the double motif of God 's transcendence and immanence discussed above .
30 As You may see ,
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