Example sentences of "also to provide " in BNC.

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1 The object of this rather clumsy piece of administration is to place some check on the expenditure of local money on the arts — and also to provide a further checkpoint on students who have already received educational grants for other careers .
2 The fewer also to provide food .
3 At that time , Russell Mills , an artist who was looking for a dwelling that would be large enough also to provide studio space , realised that the building might subdivide suitably to meet , at low cost , the similar needs of fellow artists and designers .
4 Not only had the farm to generate a living wage but it had also to provide the necessary capital for reinvestment in the business .
5 Towards the end of the Summer term it 's common practice in most schools to invite the parents of the new intake of children to visit the school to explain the routines and organisation , to give them a chance to meet the teachers and also to provide an opportunity for them to share any concerns they might have .
6 The guidelines issued to the National Heritage Memorial Fund allowed it to give grants , not only for the purchase of outstanding buildings , land and works of artistic and historic interest , but also to provide endowments for major houses threatened with sale .
7 By having an attack of the infectious disease the body is stimulated to produce appropriate antibodies not only to assist recovery but also to provide a sufficient quantity to remain in the blood for a longer period , sometimes throughout life , for example after an attack of rubella
8 While it is essential , not only for the support through food supply for indigenous populations but also to provide a sound base on which economic progress can be made , it is unfortunate that in so many cases injudicious land-use practices have negated the very factor , increased productivity , that they sought to improve .
9 The therapist agreed to see Pamela as in outpatient in 5 days ' time to provide her with a further chance to talk about her difficulties and also to provide her with support .
10 The Earth science revolution was made possible in large part by a new found ability to examine the oceanic crust , at first by remote sensing and later through direct access ; and the techniques that revealed the importance of the ocean floors in the plate-tectonic scheme of things were also to provide ever-increasing quantities of data on the rocks hitherto concealed by the world 's oceans .
11 The problem this poses for the educationalist is formidable because , as well as designing curricula that will help the surveyor cope with future changes , he has also to provide the basis of a training experience to enable him to cope with contemporary practice .
12 He was expected to defend his people and to keep the peace , and yet also to provide his warrior barons with suitable exercise .
13 Many hearing-aids have devices to restrict the loudness received by the aid user and also to provide tone selection , but there are still aid users who find that sound volume must be reduced in noisy circumstances .
14 The Animal Care Trust — ACT — supports the College by raising urgently needed funds to ensure high standards of facilities are maintained , to extend , modernise and equip the RVC 's three hospitals and also to provide endowment for professional staff .
15 For the course seeks not only to prepare graduates for immediate employment in a range of positions within publishing but also to provide them with the intellectual equipment to become in the longer term the managers , the decision-makers and strategy-formulators .
16 Integration is still very much in its infancy and working examples of its practice need to be documented , not only for the school 's own evaluation purposes , but also to provide discussion documents to encourage other schools to take a careful and considered look at their own provision .
17 The police were needed not only to combat crime , but also to provide an alternative to the army in suppressing serious public disorder .
18 However , as their memberships declined in the less favourable atmosphere of the 1990s , they began also to provide ‘ friendly ’ benefits .
19 So , from their viewpoint , management 's job is to use the factors at its disposal to provide returns to the shareholders , but also to provide returns to employees .
20 b ) They have also wanted to set up good case management arrangements , not just macro level working , not just providing the context within the health authority but also to provide the right case management at the micro practice level .
21 There would appear to be the need to develop for these and possibly many other applications , heat sensors sufficiently resistant to fire and high temperatures to act not only as actuating mechanisms for automatic systems but also to provide continuous readings of temperature in their permanent locations .
22 ‘ For the increase of divine worship ’ ( though also to provide patronage for his protégés ) , he created three new prebends , one endowed with land he himself had acquired .
23 In response to the challenge of YTS , the National Farmers ' Union has proposed a one-year Youth Training Scheme in Agriculture both to help reduce the effects of job shortages for young people and also to provide suitable first-year training for committed new entrants to the industry .
24 The Law Society considers that the Law Commission 's proposals will have a significant practical application , not only to solve problems in relation to incapacitated people , but also to provide ways in which potential conflicts or disputes can be avoided .
25 What is often not appreciated is the need also to provide a stable and profitable agriculture that can support the infrastructure it needs There is a danger that farmers will not be given adequate incentives to grow produce efficiently and environmentally responsibly .
26 It later emerged that West Germany was also to provide an interest-free loan of DM3,000 million to the Soviet Union to enable the country to pay for its share of the costs of maintaining Soviet troops in East Germany up to 1994 .
27 Israeli Foreign Minister David Levi said on Jan. 22 that the USA was also to provide Israel with battle reports , logistical information and instantaneous " real-time " satellite reconnaissance data under a " joint co-ordination apparatus " .
28 For its function in the modern economy was not merely to supply food and raw material in rapidly growing quantities , but also to provide a — indeed the — most important reservoir of labour power for the non-agricultural occupations .
29 It was important not only to provide readable records in the file ( 101 entries ) but also to provide clearly between the purposes defined by pupils and the information books .
30 S1 and S2 The courses in S1 and S2 are designed , not only to stimulate an interest in and an enjoyment of the subject , but also to provide the pupils with a basic ‘ tool-kit ’ , necessary for further development .
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