Example sentences of "also to go " in BNC.

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1 On the morning of the 28th the Emperor arrived at the tiny railway station accompanied by the Empress and by the 14-year-old Prince Imperial , who , like his father , was wearing military uniform , since he was destined also to go to Metz .
2 You should telephone before venturing to a place for the first time , but it is probably wise also to go by yourself and have a look , to check whether you can manoeuvre the patient in and out of the building easily , and whether the toilet facilities are suitable .
3 I used also to go to Blackfriars and up Farringdon Street to visit friends still attending the City Temple .
4 Another temporary need fitted in to this plan , for Robert Slater , the Anglican chaplain at the university , was also to go on leave , and I was to keep services going in the little wooden Anglican church on the university side of the lake , as well as the other two quite heavy responsibilities .
5 The schoolmistress was ‘ quite inefficient ’ and was also to go , but the porter was to be admonished only .
6 To do this is also to go ‘ beyond ’ the unconscious , and it seems impossible to do this , as Urwin hopes , without reducing the unconscious , the last resort of subjectivity 's difficulty , to a discursive product .
7 The answer follows through : it is , as a minimum , to provide the graduates of higher education with the capacity not merely to go on learning , but also to go on being critical of all they encounter in thought and action .
8 A bill to oblige developers to include a proportion of low-income housing in any application to build office blocks or housing complexes was also to go before the National Assembly in April .
9 Two other ministers had already resigned since January , apparently also to go into opposition : Mohammed Djama Elabe , Minister of Health and Souleiman Farah Lodon , Minister of Public Adminstration .
10 Bush arrived on Dec. 31 , flying to Mogadishu from the USS Tripoli to address troops at the start of a 48-hour visit in which he was also to go to Baidoa .
11 The second phase of the dye house operation to install a £400,000 Longclose package Dyeing Machine — the twin of the one already installed last year , is also to go ahead with delivery expected in October .
12 As we shall see , to understand British politics fully one has also to go beyond that framework .
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