Example sentences of "me to think " in BNC.

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1 This led me to think that some students may equate the feeling of low ‘ g ’ with the glider being stalled .
2 If it really is the case that all I am doing when I have beliefs about the world is to have dispositions to behave , then it ought to make sense for me to think of my believing in those terms .
3 Will he force me to think that homosexuals have more imagination than the … others ?
4 It was in fact my experience of working with the banks and institutions for the recapitalisation and reconstruction of John Brown which led me to think that the City is much maligned over its attitudes to industry and the accusation of short-termism is not justified .
5 Tony offered to walk back towards the vehicle , now a long way off , and left me to think about it all .
6 It saddens me to think that as the elitists worry about the ‘ wrong ’ people getting into their clubs , and so tighten up their door policies , the indie kids , the hooligans , the ‘ lilac clad youths ’ are all denied the chance to hear the music that could damage their lives .
7 Mildly , he said , ‘ If you insist on facing things , why not think about how the way you 've behaved hardly leads me to think on you as a sensitive soul .
8 Certainly , it will help me to think more clearly .
9 It really freaks me to think that people have travelled from all over Britain to this — even though it was supposed to be secret .
10 It scares me to think of it . ’
11 ‘ The belief that , deep down , people still want God , want redemption and want faith , leads me to think , in a politically wind-blown Holy Week , that the message of hope this coming Sunday is still worth a Mass .
12 . It was a puzzle to me to think that any customers wanted any of these things in the alley he lived , but he did have a few visitors , because he dealt in antiques , he knew a great deal about them …
13 The pressure , the pressure , can not crush me , it forces me to think .
14 I used to imagine it helped me to think . ’
15 And it 's so odd , it 's hard now when somebody says , ‘ What was it like ? ’ or says , ‘ What did she use to wear ? ’ because of course we all saw her all the time and thought nothing of it , saw her at the very least once a week ( missing service , it was called , if you went a week without visiting , and it was certain to be discussed amongst the congregation when you did finally show up ) , it 's just very odd for me to think that you were never there and that this is all strange to you when to us it was just an ordinary life .
16 ‘ That is , of course , ’ he said , sitting up again suddenly , ‘ unless Father has come up with an entirely new factor he wants me to think about . ’
17 I know that giving a man on a ventilator morphine in high doses , enough to cause general anaesthesia , is risking his life , and it distracts me to think about whether or not it 's ethical .
18 It no longer seemed important to me to think about escape .
19 I 've always loved cleaning , it helps me to think and stops me getting ideas above my station .
20 The experience forced me to think about our drug policies .
21 It amazed me to think that even though the gay bar had been situated up those dark stairs for many years , the straight men downstairs managed to keep up the impetus so that no queen should pass without an insult .
22 It frightened me to think that my name and address and those of the other members were on police files for no other reason than that we were gay .
23 You encouraged me to think for myself — not just to absorb your opinions but to consider those of others and develop my own .
24 Loathsome as he now is , he becomes still more so as he hypocritically professes to Cornwall his filial embarrassment : ‘ How , my lord , I may be censured , that nature thus gives way to loyalty , something fears me to think of … .
25 But something happened the next day which led me to think rather more seriously about what she 'd said .
26 I suppose it was because we know he 's been highly-strung lately — his peculiar behaviour at the airport , for a start — that it took longer than it should have done for me to think over properly what had happened .
27 It frightens me to think that not only are we so vulnerable to these monsters but also that we are constantly blamed for being provocative or careless .
28 And it hurts me to think of her , helpless in that woman 's power . ’
29 It 's extremely difficult for me to think of women as people who do not work ; their work , moreover , is visible and comprehensible ; they can explain , or show to children what they do and how — unlike men , whose process of getting money is mysterious and hidden from view .
30 In the past I had encountered statements in books and official reports that encouraged me to think of mathematics in a positive way :
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