Example sentences of "did see " in BNC.

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1 Well , three nuts spat me out and I can honestly say that the first time I fell , headfirst , facing outwards , above the wall we had just climbed , I really did see stars .
2 When at last they did see him coming they had to follow his slow path from the road , watch him lean his bicycle carefully against the wall under the yew and plod slowly up between the two rows of boxwood .
3 He did see himself very much as a responsible figure as far as other people 's well being was concerned when it came to this , and this was probably based on the fact that his step-brother , Terry , by his mother 's previous marriage , was classified as schizophrenic , a problem which David felt could be hereditary . ’
4 One rainy morning , she did see some cowboys , though no horses .
5 On the other hand , he thought , if they did see them , most of the girls were too tactful to say anything .
6 If we did see some figure approaching , or standing in the distance , we would release our tense handclasp , fingers intertwined , and walk apart , puffing idly at our cigarettes or lighting new ones from Pablo 's box of fosforos , as if we were just friends out for a casual stroll .
7 Yes , he did see , but all the same it had to be stopped … somehow .
8 Charles , under his tarpaulin , knew nothing of direction or topography , but he did see his servant again before the nightmare ride was over .
9 When the invading Israelite tribes crossed the Jordan and arrived at Jericho , they probably did see no-one there , for the simple reason that Jericho was a deserted ruin .
10 If for much of the last 50 years the Russians were almost invisible , and those whom we did see were either the brilliant defectors or carefully hand-picked stars , it is hardly surprising that the British public swallowed the myth .
11 If he did see it he must have begun worrying , and maybe it was then that he started feeling sick .
12 However , Richard Baxter did see the Bishop , and , even though he was n't arrested , the Bishop forbade him to preach in his diocese .
13 I did see women , did n't I ? ’
14 ‘ So you never did see the bar-tailed lark ? ’
15 We noticed that they touched each other all evening , shoulder to shoulder , knee to knee , nothing obvious , although I did see O raise Boy 's hand to his lips once , and later I saw Boy rest his head on O 's knees , just lay it there for a moment like a dog .
16 But the 1950s did see the publication and extensive discussion of a key statement of political faith — The future of Socialism ( 1956 ) by Anthony Crosland , who ten years later moved into the very centre of the educational stage .
17 McKillop did see .
18 What she did see , at last , was a signpost .
19 Angela did see it and did read it .
20 The only disappointment was that I never did see them feeding , for I could have learned such a lot in those short but interesting hours .
21 You were glad when someone suggested that the butter or the jam should be cut up into rations even though you did see the hard selfishness in his eyes as he said it and felt sick because you knew that normally he was neither hard nor selfish .
22 I think I did see him die , with the look of utter peace I had only read of previously .
23 We did see a lot of another Miller , Professor George Miller , of Princeton University , a stolid man of undoubted erudition but with none of Jonathan Miller 's expository dynamism .
24 Whilst the famous photographs of the Cottingley fairies , taken in 1917 , have been admitted not to be genuine , it is equally clear from the researches of author Joe Cooper that at least one of the girls concerned , Frances Griffiths , did see fairies in Cottingley Glen , as did Geoffrey Hodson .
25 What she did see , however , was a countenance dark with anger , and her smile died away .
26 But of all the damn fighters I ever did see ,
27 I did see Nell .
28 Thoroughly upset now , she repeated the question and instruction , and this time Jack did see something move in his stepfather 's eye .
29 ‘ You did see the Worm the other night , did n't you ? ’
30 ‘ You did see it .
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