Example sentences of "no moment " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 LIVING under one form of government rather than another ‘ is of no moment to the happiness of an individual ’ , said Johnson offensively .
2 I cried — a bit of an exaggeration , but it was no moment for exactitudes , ‘ And now I 've got only one kidney .
3 The Colonel 's cool compassion showed his command of the situation : no moment of fury distorted his fearless and level-headed view .
4 By the concentrated bombardment the element of surprise was relinquished , but at Messines this was of no moment , for surprise was to be achieved by the detonation of the mines .
5 Looking back , Liz would try to remember the moment at which she had known rather than not known : she would have liked to have thought that she had known always , that there was no moment of shock , that knowledge had lain within her ( the all-knowing ) , that she had never truly been deceived , that at the very worst she had connived at her own deceit .
6 Dandelions are natives of Europe and Asia , and botanically they form a difficult and much varied group with many microspecies , but for the herbalist 's purposes , these are of no moment .
7 And although it was no moment to stop and remember those night footsteps that passed her door so regularly , Grainne did remember them .
8 Of course , there is the recognition that there are certain issues of no moment to business ( such as abortion , or capital punishment ) , but within their particular sphere of concern the Left regards the business interest as overwhelmingly influential , and trade unions ( in particular ) are seen as in an inferior position .
9 ‘ People have said that no moment in the existence of the universe is propitious for the ejaculation of one of my howls .
10 I was glad then that he did not know the subject of the talk I had just given at the conference — the possibility that space-time was finite but had no boundary , which means that it had no beginning , no moment of Creation .
11 So there 's no moment which is greater than this for supporting the liberation struggle .
12 There were in my fantasies no moments of tenderness or anger , accommodations , reconciliations , no traffic , no shoppers , no birds , no intrusions .
13 In all my texts and documents , there were , so far as I could tell , no moments of pure , unfettered subjectivity ; indeed , the human subject itself began to seem remarkably unfree , the ideological product of the relations of power in a particular society .
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