Example sentences of "no better " in BNC.

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1 He is looking for that quality which you must allow me to call ‘ modernity ’ ; for I know of no better word to express the idea I have in mind .
2 If you 're looking for another daisy-flowered perennial to form the perfect contrast with Aster x frikartii ‘ Mönch ’ I could recommend no better plant than Rudbeckia fulgida deamii .
3 Sleeping was no better — fleabites tormented him , fears plagued him like bad dreams .
4 Donald 's wife Aileen looked upset and redeyed , without a minister the occasion seemed rough and ready , no better than a ceilidh , unlawful even , and her misgivings about the McLaggans had all revived .
5 Flemyng of Moness is no better , you know , no better at all .
6 Flemyng of Moness is no better , you know , no better at all .
7 But it was no better outside : midges boiled in clouds out of the sodden peat around the saw-bed and the timber stacks .
8 To a child of the thirties and forties there was no better symbol .
9 This line of defence is no better than the first .
10 Sometimes they were so drunk they fell asleep where they were and lay without pillows or covers until I returned from work , and then I would rage at them in Arabic , telling them that thanks to them my room was no better than the Italian 's pigsty at home ; we used to spit on the ground whenever we went near it , children and grownups alike , shouting exclamations of disgust , even though all we could see of it was the outer fence .
11 No better example can be given than by citing the careers of Tamara Karsavina and Margot Fonteyn , both of whom worked with many different choreographers as well as submitting themselves to the severely classical discipline of the older Petipa repertoire .
12 No better example of such objectivity was Ashton 's own playing of the Onlooker in Nocturne .
13 As it is , he slyly suggests that minor artists may look down their noses at major ones and that ‘ important ’ work may be left to persons of an inferior kennel , like the Russians , the Germans , the Americans , who , poor dears , know no better .
14 Marxist ideology was no better guarantee of Vietcong decency 20 years ago than it now is for Swapo ; nor has it preserved the Sandinistas from endemic corruption in their civil war against the American-backed Contras .
15 Richard Nixon is no better .
16 Today , thanks to overcrowding and overdevelopment , it is a bit of a nightmare in season , but on a bright day there is still no better place to eat chips with mayonnaise .
17 Bolshevik sources reveal that about half the population of the guberniia did not have enough to eat by then , and the position was no better by spring of 1922 .
18 Yet the overt ruralism of the prose is more strongly qualified in the verse , where country , primitive , with its ‘ daemonic , chthonic/ Powers ’ is seen as ultimately no better than city unless-redeemed by the Christian vision .
19 According to the election manifesto : ‘ There is no better yardstick of a party 's fitness to govern than its attitude to inflation .
20 Relations with West Indian girls seemed no better .
21 The turbo engine 's pull is no better at very low revs , but once the boost gauge 's needle awakens , the 940 surges forward very satisfactorily .
22 If you turned to domestic politics , the news was no better .
23 If someone had never read Lewis before , and wished to get a taste of him , there would be no better book with which to start .
24 With the London marathon coming up , there 's no better time to start .
25 There is no better way to help people in need than through supporting Care .
26 He was famous , people flocked to catch a glimpse of him , they stood for hours in the freezing cold in the hope that he would choose their hand to shake — for no better reason than an accident of birth .
27 Too often he had seen education serve no better purpose than to impose limits of caution and doubt on vision and imagination .
28 Darlington fared no better , but Welling , Gloucester , Bishop Auckland and Aylesbury will replay with brimming hopes and bursting hearts this week .
29 One thinks of the religious maniac who gripped one 's hand too firmly , hours earlier , on the Metropolitan Line and asked one , sincerely , to ‘ repent , ’ of the strange fellow who took umbrage at the book one was reading-The Boss ; J. Edgar Hoover And The Great American Inquisition-and accused one , for some unaccountable reason , of being no better than Norman Tebbit .
30 There is no better way of buying cheese than from a specialist cheese shop , where you will be encouraged to taste before buying and the retailer will be knowledgeable , friendly and , above all , enthusiastic about his stock .
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