Example sentences of "as health " in BNC.

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1 Notwithstanding the re-election of Mrs Thatcher in 1983 and 1987 , a clear majority of voters have favoured increased taxes to pay for greater expenditure on services such as health , education , and welfare , over tax cutting and programme cutting ( Table 10.1 ) .
2 This was her debut as Health Minister .
3 When both taxes and public spending seemed out of control at the end of the Callaghan era , the proportion of voters telling Gallup that ‘ taxes should be cut even if it means some reduction in government services such as health , education and welfare ’ was exactly the same as the proportion saying ‘ government services such as health , education and welfare should be extended even if it means some increase in taxes ’ .
4 When both taxes and public spending seemed out of control at the end of the Callaghan era , the proportion of voters telling Gallup that ‘ taxes should be cut even if it means some reduction in government services such as health , education and welfare ’ was exactly the same as the proportion saying ‘ government services such as health , education and welfare should be extended even if it means some increase in taxes ’ .
5 The former , combined with an opinion poll lead which caused a sharp plunge in the stock markets , frightened off wavering voters ; the latter obscured issues such as health and the recession with which Labour ought to have concluded its campaign .
6 Thus , for example ( as mentioned above ) , the team-leader also chairs the group which allocates places in homes as they become vacant , and is heavily involved in sheltered housing and housing association allocations : at one point the district nurse ‘ tripled ’ as health visitor and midwife .
7 The Home Office invests £129 million in grants designed to encourage those running public services to ensure that people from ethnic minorities can enjoy the full range of public services — such as health , housing and social services .
8 The plans cover both medical research proper , and what is known as health service research .
9 From boardroom to junior staff , crime prevention should be as much a part of basic working practice as health and safety .
10 physical make up such as health , appearance , speech etc
11 Some people think that the vast amounts of money spent by governments on nuclear weapons would be better spent on other needs , such as health care .
12 For example , the blue-green alga Spirulina maxima has been produced on a commercial basis from Lake Texcoco in Mexico and , in common with similar projects in Hawaii , Taiwan , Israel and Thailand , the dried algal products are sold as health foods .
13 For most schools , there is nothing new about this thinking : TVEI has already made them familiar with the concepts of cross-curricular dimensions ( such as equal opportunities , independent learning ) skills and competences ( such as literacy , oracy , numeracy , computer literacy , and the less obvious visual literacy ) and themes ( such as health education , careers education and guidance , environmental and economic education and — increasingly — citizenship ) .
14 Not only are men more likely to receive increased back-up support from professional services such as health visitors , home helps and nurses , they are also likely to receive more informal help from relatives , friends and neighbours .
15 The accessibility and helpfulness of formal services ( such as health care , financial assistance and housing advice ) also make a difference .
16 He was torn apart as health and social security secretary and suffered demotion before resigning .
17 I would have started with Virginia Bottomley , but , on reflection , I reckon her appointment as health secretary has probably done the job for us .
18 It is in the Scottish Secretary 's gift to appoint people to the ruling committees of more than 100 quangos and public bodies controlling key aspects of the nation 's life , such as health , education , the environment , economic development and the arts .
19 He rejects the idea that industry ought to keep workers on simply to fulfil a responsibility for maintaining full employment and he also argues that it will be impossible to increase the tax base enough to create employment in labour-intensive services such as health and education .
20 With some modifications by DCS , Derwentside 's system is able to account for staff who go out on appointments , such as health inspectors .
21 R.S. ran seminars in London hotels bringing in speakers from the relocation area to discuss issues such as health , education and housing .
22 If you have decided to train for an entirely new specialty , such as health visiting or district nursing , you may find yourself having to reimburse course and equipment fees if you leave the job before a specified date of up to two years after your training has been completed .
23 The use of resources provided in kind by the state , such as health and welfare services , follows the reverse pattern , with usage increasing with age .
24 The state determines the amount of money individuals have available via direct and indirect taxation as well as social benefits ; it regulates vast areas of our lives , e.g. via health and safety regulations ; it subsidizes foods and housing , for example , and it provides a range of services such as health and education .
25 That said , successes were achieved in markets such as health , building societies and local government due to the range of software available .
26 Until they get such promises , they will be reluctant to accept Israel 's offer to hand over more or less immediate control of matters such as health , education , tourism and policing .
27 That makes sense : a growing proportion of income is spent on services , such as health and education which generate less waste per dollar spent .
28 These are likely to range from an amendment to our current equal opportunities policy document ( correcting the omission of ‘ disability ’ ) to a need to employ more staff , possibly from another discipline such as health .
29 Technocratic versions of radical elite theory see emergent ‘ welfare — industrial , complexes as progressively developing in fields such as health care in the USA ( Kleinberg , 1973 ) , a pattern which new-right governments ’ ‘ privatization ’ efforts can only strengthen for the future ( Ascher , 1986 ) .
30 In addition to the national objectives such as Health of the Nation , Patient 's Charter and Caring for People , NEHA has identified specific targets of its own for the coming year .
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