Example sentences of "would see " in BNC.

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1 This writing was discovered by her ; she read some material before her visit , which prepared her a little for what she would see .
2 Or you may see exactly what you would see by looking through the glass at any point .
3 In this poem we see their shared Jewishness , and the ‘ irreverence ’ ( as some would see it ) they each had for the Tradition — at least for that view of it which some espoused ; we also see a shared disdain for rabbinic ( and priestly ) logic , to them both a form of mental death .
4 They were not sure that they would see 30 ; millions had not , scarcely a decade ago .
5 If a movie were to be made of her American tour , one would see pages fly from calendars , clock hands spin and headlines slapped one on top of the next .
6 There were also delightful rumours that the heavy overhaul on sister No 4498 Sir Nigel Gresley would see it repainted green as No 60007 .
7 Friends of Knighton believe he is close to putting together a deal which would see at least some of the shares resold within four months of a take-over .
8 He hoped that the markets would see that he had tied sterling to the Deutschmark and that they would realise that this meant a commitment to achieving German-style price stability .
9 Looking up you would see an alluring smidgen of sky through the spiky branches .
10 For the King not only told MacDonald that he would see the other party leaders , but said that he ‘ would advise them strongly to support ’ him .
11 When she looked at her grandmother with the sharp eyes that Fenna could lend her , she would see that solid outline waver , dissolve , crumble .
12 She had fantasised the meeting : she would be lying naked and on some screen in front of her she would see , pulsing and radiant , her own dark lover and his home place .
13 In another language where mother 's brothers and father 's brothers are referred to by different words we would see them as different kinds of relatives .
14 I did n't like anything , I felt like going away somewhere where no one would see me , not even my husband , I wanted to escape from my life itself .
15 He was admiring a stylish flower arrangement , observing how cunningly a spray of jasmine had been made to tremble half in , half out of the vase and trail against the console table , when the girl came back and told him Mr Vigo would see him now .
16 Ms Krutick predicted that as the single European market drew closer the travel industry would see an increase in business .
17 He dare n't go back or they would see him .
18 Arty would see that she got his letter before she left for Seapark .
19 The Ministry of Agriculture said yesterday it was hoped that next week would see the first dairy farms released from the restriction orders .
20 ‘ I said that if I was turfed out by the trade union vote I would see Neil Kinnock and we would then both issue a statement afterwards , ’ he said .
21 I failed to arrange any stereotypical symbol of masculinity in the porch where all visitors would see it instantly : a pair of size ten wellingtons , a cricket fixture list , a rifle perhaps .
22 Clever western diplomacy could try to make him appear less heroic , by keeping the linkage vague , but then — unless he has belatedly realised the hopelessness of his position — he would see no benefit in it .
23 Its consensus forecast suggests that a united Germany would see its GNP growth rise by a net 0.6 of a percentage point in 1991 , relative to that of West Germany , and by half a point in 1992 .
24 Time , many believed , would see an inherently absurd partition quickly dismantled .
25 If the market took the view that the Government 's determination to control public spending was weakening , then we would see the pound fall and inflation increase .
26 I would hope that you would see beyond that , and issues like it , the primary claims of Christ in his Church , to love him and to promote him as Lord of the Church .
27 But she had n't reckoned with how the people would see her .
28 His Mum and Dad would see him .
29 He would see her in the old holey woollies she wore to bed , rather than an old-fashioned nightshirt .
30 He wanted Gina to see herself as other people would see her .
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