Example sentences of "not enable " in BNC.

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1 Gordon Craig once said that ‘ a bookplate is to the book what a collar is to the dog ’ — a wisecrack not wholly true , since the purpose of the plate is not to enable a book to be led round by its owner , or even for it to be returned by the police when lost .
2 Thus a clause which permitted " any partner " to be expelled by " the other partners " was held not to enable a single partner to expel either or both of his colleagues ( Re A Solicitor 's Arbitration [ 1962 ] 1 WLR 353 ) .
3 ‘ It will be useless to observe to the Society that it is of the greatest importance to procure a place as soon as possible , if the Professor is not enabled to begin his Lectures by Christmas ( 1791 ) the establishment will be put off for one year — the Zootomy being strictly the first part he is to begin to teach to the pupils , which everyone knows could not be attempted in the Summer — and it would be feared too long a delay might hurt the success of the establishment . ’
4 With sexual crossing , however , an individual whose life has been extended by grafting , although not enabled to go on itself , can give rise to a new individual with a new lease on life .
5 It is for these reasons that Woolwich is not enabled or required to seek its remedy through the statutory framework , but must fall back on the common law .
6 Observations by Mariner 10 have not enabled this upper limit to be reduced but if the synchronization is stable then the axial inclination must be much closer to zero .
7 It does not enable us to say anything directly about the nature of consciousness .
8 One might expect , a priori , that no empirical ( that is perception-based ) observations could provide evidence in support of a metaphysical theory of perception ; that perceptions would not enable us to get to the root of perception .
9 Silk Slippers may not enable Sangster to challenge the Arab supremacy , but an English Classic success after a five-year gap would come like manna from heaven .
10 At the Federal level there is an Office of the Co-ordination of Soil and Water Conservation , but it has a tiny staff and its position within the Ministry of Agriculture does not enable it to have much influence on land-use decisions .
11 It was , doubtless , agreeable for Mary Smith to become more Mary Smith , but that process did not enable her to find a job or make a living .
12 They would not enable the courts to interfere where there clearly has been a breach of procedural fairness ; and they would permit the inferior tribunals to exceed the limited powers which Parliament has conferred upon them .
13 ‘ I 'll give you your letter back , miss — unread , ’ the police-sergeant told Rosalind , with a grin , ‘ but I 'd like to keep the envelope , please , because it 's got a nice glossy surface and the man your sister saw stealing bulbs has left two lovely big fingerprints on it , which may or may not enable us to find out who he is , but will certainly prove whether the gardener who was sacked as the thief is innocent .
14 At the same time , these categories do not enable one to penetrate the ‘ surface of phenomena ’ … to understand the process and development of economic life as a whole …
15 He therefore did not know whether , if the contract had been carefully read , the company would have observed that the information provided from the analysis did not enable it to be notified of matters that needed investigation .
16 There is a theoretical distinction between ( 1 ) a misspelling and ( 2 ) a mis-recognition , but the results from recognition will not enable us to distinguish between them , and indeed they can be treated similarly for attempted correction .
17 Employees with wives who are actively pursuing their own careers are also likely to encounter problems overseas , especially if the wife is forced to give up her job because of her husband 's transfer and her role abroad does not enable her to work or to develop other satisfactory activities .
18 But as the limits of the human memory did not enable men to retain beyond a very limited number of names ; and even if it had , as it would have required a most inconvenient portion of time , to run over in discourse , as many names of individuals , and of individual qualities , as there is occasion to refer to in discourse , it was necessary to have contrivances of abridgment .
19 A single instance of B , and of B on its own , can not enable us to associate it with A. The universe as a whole , however , is just such a single instance : we have no direct experience either of other worlds or of world-designers .
20 And even if this does not enable the desired result to be obtained convincingly , there are further possible ploys which are readily available .
21 This definition , however , does not enable us to say which functions are public functions , but only to give a reason why certain functions are classified as public .
22 Again these changes would not enable a requesting State to impose its own views on a requested State .
23 Maybe ‘ I did n't vote Tory ’ , but even that does not enable me to opt out of that responsibility entirely .
24 They are even admitted to be absurd by Tertullian — ‘ Credo quia absurdum ’ — and believed in for that very reason ; but this is an argument which does not enable us to distinguish which absurd propositions we are to believe Freud thought .
25 Should such a test be used in the course of teaching , low scores would not enable the teacher to decide what tasks can reasonably be given to the pupils who obtain them nor to decide what experiences may be suitable to forward their development .
26 However , this is insufficient because by itself it does not enable us to understand the diverse experience of women of different ethnicities .
27 Many teachers found that this diet did not enable their pupils to succeed .
28 The receptive field does not enable one to predict the responses to movements of a spot in the directions of the arrows ; these are shown round the outside of the figure .
29 It does not enable us to identify the faulty premise .
30 The mere fact that the comment was directed to the actions of a local government authority would not enable the defendant to rely upon qualified privilege ; and the fact that he had published without malice in good faith and in the belief that the facts stated were true would afford no defence if the facts were not true .
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