Example sentences of "be kept " in BNC.

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1 It must … be kept in mind that ‘ the moral law ’ , ‘ the common good of all ’ and ‘ the objective moral order ’ are not derived simply from the teaching of the Catholic Church .
2 Hundreds of customers ' details can be stored on one diskette , as can whole spreadsheets , and the diskettes can then be kept safely in a secure place away from the computer .
3 This plant much prefers to be kept out of direct sunlight .
4 Just pinch them off and plant in seed compost , which should be kept barely moist in a bright , warm place .
5 In the mild south , gardeners can get away with plunging them in their containers buried in peat in the garden , but up here they 'll need to be kept safe from hard frost in a cold frame .
6 The into-wind wing must always be kept down by moving the stick across a little into wind , and it is always necessary to rudder out of the wind .
7 If full airbrakes are needed for more than a few seconds , and it looks as though they should be kept on , sideslipping should be used to get rid of the excess height so that for the last part of the approach less than full airbrake approach is required .
8 Also , it will need to be kept straight on take-off ( see Swings and Roundabouts ) .
9 Although the angle on the blade is quite large when compared with the normal , nevertheless it must be kept well sharpened .
10 If a relative wants to collect the ashes they can be collected or sent , but they will only be kept free for a time ( usually about a month ) — a charge will be made after that time .
11 The name of the funeral director can then be kept in a safe place with other important documents , such as the Will , so that whoever is left to deal with the situation can contact the funeral director .
12 The Pullmans , it was announced , would be kept more or less exclusively for Pullman Rail 's newly created non-steamcharter haul business .
13 The Canine Crisis Council ( sponsored by Hugo Summerson MP , Baroness Phillips and Lord Ross of Newport ) has called for all dogs to be muzzled in public places and for large dogs to be kept muzzled even in the privacy of their owners ' garden .
14 The temperature needs to be kept below 400°C , which compares with a figure of 1200°C for thermal oxidation of the other main semiconductor , silicon .
15 Bobby Robson , the England manager , who had spent the weekend pondering the merits of possible deputies for his club colleague Neil Webb , a long-term casualty , expressed ‘ surprise and delight ’ at the news that England midfield disruption may be kept to a minimum .
16 BRITISH COAL yesterday offered to cut the cost of supplies to privatised electricity generators and guaranteed that price rises would be kept within the rate of inflation provided they agreed to sign long-term contracts .
17 View from City Road , page 29 Cheap coal : British Coal offered to cut the cost of supplies to privatised electricity generators and said price rises would be kept within the rate of inflation .
18 The small ones will be kept back for seed , and anything damaged by worms or excavation will become cattle fodder ; but all the rest go for chips .
19 If there is a particular site for which you want to be kept informed of any future development , you can ask the planning department to tell you if it receives an application affecting it .
20 During the period of entry , interest rates may have to be kept at the present emergency level , but it is an emergency level , a punishment for past sins of credit creation and lax management .
21 The agency 's unorthodox approach and a solemn promise that ‘ replies will be kept in the strictest confidence ’ caused some mirth among exiles .
22 Both could be kept within bounds by a severe pruning in early spring .
23 It may all come down to Clark if Oakland are to be kept at bay .
24 It is the universal appeal of the character that convinces Uderzo the stories must be kept decidedly apolitical .
25 Firstly , all equipment should be bought and owned by specific members of the band , and all purchase invoices should be kept .
26 From the start , his two definitions of culture , that of a class and that of the whole people , ‘ have to be kept distinct but always in relation ’ .
27 Another , related , charge against the players is that in their dress violations they — again like the ‘ street ’ transvestites — transgressed the natural and fixed order of things by wilfully confusing distinctions which it was thought imperative should be kept distinct , especially within the categories of rank , class , and gender .
28 This caused disquiet amongst Colonial officials and prompted Creech Jones , the Colonial Secretary in the later years of the Labour government , to circulate a memorandum to the Cabinet in early 1947 in which he said : ‘ I know full well how important it is that our overseas payments should be kept as low as they possibly can be , but I can not believe that this justifies a course which is contrary to our declared policy in regard both to Colonial and to commercial matters and contrary also to the policy which has long been pursued by the Labour Party . ’
29 The lesson Haslam learned from his ICI experience was that wherever possible redundancy should be on a voluntary basis if the trauma were to be kept to a minimum .
30 Equally important is the distinction Marx repeatedly draws between the occurrence of small-scale ‘ domestic ’ slavery and whole societies based on the exploitation of slaves , such as was the case for Greece and Rome , and the insistence that these two cases should be kept separate .
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