Example sentences of "be pressure " in BNC.

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1 And , as any successful enterprise will expand , there may soon be pressure to extend the premises , damaging the character of the place in the process .
2 Clearly there is a need in most towns for increased and improved shopping facilities and there is a danger that , if it is not provided in some form , there will be pressure for major developments outside town or on the outskirts .
3 In future it seems quite likely that there may be pressure from the Training Commission for a test or certificate of attainment specifically for those working on the TVEI , and that certificate might overlap with the Certificate of Pre-vocational Education .
4 The need for redevelopment and reuse can also arise in the case of large country houses and estates where there may be pressure for the introduction of heritage centres or other types of leisure development .
5 There may now be pressure for this to change .
6 The atom is there and when short-term oil surpluses vanish there will be pressure to build more nuclear power stations .
7 But there will be pressure on the company to produce ‘ quick fixes ’ for traditional industries that have fallen on hard times .
8 When the supply of labour exceeds the demand for labour ( so that unemployment is above its ‘ natural ’ level ) , there will be pressure on wages to fall : the rate of wage inflation will be negative .
9 When the demand for labour exceeds the supply of labour ( so that unemployment is below its ‘ natural ’ level ) , there will be pressure on wages to rise : the rate of wage inflation will be positive .
10 It is likely that in the next few years there will be pressure to bring into production the remaining hectares of delimited land , although economics and the overall strategy of the Champagne market will also play their part .
11 While there may be pressure if a parent , however much loved , requires an undue amount of attention , a more commonplace problem is the effect of retirement on a couple 's relationship .
12 Apart from these generational patterns of support between parents and children , there does seem to be pressure for assistance to be reciprocated .
13 In the interval there would be pressure on Scottish MPs to abstain at the second vote on the ground that their constituents were not affected .
14 No doubt there would be pressure brought to bear on these two …
15 The meat used to have to be pressure cooked for four hours to make it tender enough to eat !
16 In acute care there will be pressure from rapid bed turnover , which emphasises the importance of early preparation for discharge .
17 It has come to the attention of the IBOA that there may be pressure put on members to accept a Voluntary Redundancy or Early Retirement Package in the near future .
18 If geologists in industry are slow to publish , relative to academic geologists , then in most cases the reason will be pressure of work .
19 There will always be pressure to take on more projects than this ; it should be resisted .
20 If geologists in industry are slow to publish , relative to academic geologists , then in most cases the reason will be pressure of work .
21 At this point there is apt to be pressure on R&D to agree to undertake more projects than is rational .
22 During and after this resource allocation planning , there will be pressure for more projects to be undertaken and some persuasive reasons for doing so will be given .
23 There will always be pressure to take on more projects than this ; it should be resisted .
24 ‘ Once road haulage of limestone starts the railway line will very quickly fall into disrepair and there will be pressure to improve the A684 , especially by removing the bridge and traffic lights at Spennithorne .
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