Example sentences of "that child " in BNC.

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1 Like , I 'm sure that child 's seen enough policemen in the past few weeks , you do n't know what goes through kids ' minds .
2 They were obviously delighted to be able to use Phoebe to prove their conviction that child stars burn out if they are not raised to be as dull as anyone else 's children .
3 These other offences do not cover all eventualities , and , moreover , it may be argued with some force that child sexual abuse at home ought to be labelled separately .
4 If parents have managed to instil in their child a sense of his own worth as an individual , then , whatever knocks that child may encounter as an adult , he will have the inner confidence which will enable him to pull through and make a success of his life — success in this context having nothing to do with money but with achieving one 's aims as an individual , whatever they may be .
5 Children 's helplines — like the hugely successful NSPCC child protection line , awaken the public to the continuing horror — and to the fact that child victims are tomorrow 's adult survivors , whose darkly tormenting secrets have been dangerously suppressed .
6 No one , either in Orkney or beyond , denies that child abuse exists ; some say that the sexual abuse of children is rife in today 's society .
7 ‘ I 'm glad that child 's coming here to dinner on Sunday , ’ Eddie Hogan said .
8 Irrespective of the damaging consequences that child welfare reforms may have had on gender relations within working-class families by promoting ideologies of motherhood inscribed within bourgeois conceptions of domesticity ( Rowan 1985 ) , they served to strengthen the identity of Labour amongst the female electorate .
9 When a system of individual assessment is implemented , teachers seek regularly and conscientiously to perceive a child 's success ( be this in reading , in mathematics , or in the slow mastery of a concept in history or science ) against the understanding that child showed yesterday , last week or last year .
10 In the context of these investigations , I used the concept of danger clues to describe any piece of information that would tend to alert a social worker to suspect that child abuse was taking place.s An important source of danger clues was obviously to be found in the condition of the child , particularly its physical state and behaviour .
11 This is not to deny that child abuse is a ‘ factual ’ phenomenon or thing , it is to argue that facts only take the form they do because they are interpreted within given contexts of meaning .
12 Societal reaction theory directs research towards the ideas and beliefs that give child abuse meaning in given contexts , but it is also quite clear that child abuse is not reducible to those beliefs .
13 In recognizing that child abuse and child care are not discrete areas we should start from the premise that the understanding and skills developed in relation to child care should inform our approach to child abuse .
14 It is assumed that child abuse is preventable and predictable via a judicious reading of the research findings .
15 Implicit in these views was the fact that child abuse was considered to be only one of a range of problems that many families who come under the system 's microscope were experiencing , and that there was a need to respond to all the problems including child abuse , rather than of necessity giving it priority .
16 What I am suggesting , however , is that we could gain considerably by recognizing in research , policy and practice that child abuse is centrally concerned with debates about the way we bring up children and is hence centrally concerned about child care .
17 She comments that people seemed to feel that child care was an appropriate service for kin to perform for each other , but also that they should not be exploited .
18 But a ‘ mole ’ leaked Cabinet minutes to CPAG ( New Society , 17 June 1976 ) and the resulting furore meant that Child Benefit was re-scued .
19 Children — Care proceedings — Threshold conditions — Child in voluntary care placed with foster parents — Child previously at risk with mother — Local authority seeking care order — Whether condition that child ‘ is suffering ’ significant harm satisfied — Whether harm attributable to care given or likely to be given to child if order not made — Children Act 1989 ( c. 41 ) , s. 31(2)
20 Despite the deficiencies in the present system we believe that child resistant closures should be used now for all medicines whether dispensed or bought over the counter .
21 This study has shown that child psychiatrists have some special requirements for referral letters , but they are unlikely to obtain the desired information unless they educate general practitioners .
22 At its annual conference last week , the National Association of Social Workers in Education said that child protection procedures should be invoked immediately when any allegations of abuse were made against teachers .
23 It made public declarations supporting the work done by purity groups , insisting that child prostitution was one of the burning issues of the day .
24 For example , there is evidence that child molestation runs in families and is not simply an individual quirk .
25 There is a very high incidence of alcoholism in families where incest occurs but it also appears that child molestation occurs in several generations in some families even when there is no other obvious sign of addictive disease .
26 When the Equal Opportunities Commission , in its equality agenda , describes child care facilities as meagre in the extreme compared with the facilities that are available in the rest of Europe , when we know that the women in work to whom the Minister has referred are often forced into part-time work because of inadequate child care arrangements and when we bear in mind his entirely complacent answer , is not it a good thing that a Labour Government are coming who will ensure that child care provision is expanded ?
27 Just over a year ago , I told the House that child benefit is , and will remain , a strong element in our policies for family support .
28 Yet the Secretary of State says that child benefit is one of the main elements in support for the family , and the Prime Minister says that he attaches ’ particular significance ’ to it .
29 It is further argued that child tutors are , by comparison with adult teachers , more sensitive to and aware of misunderstanding in other children .
30 It seems likely that child labour underground increased after 1815 as the greater use of wheeled wagons on rail tracks brought the drawing of coal within their physical capabilities .
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