Example sentences of "that britain " in BNC.

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1 The NEDC 's tourism and leisure industries sector group , which studied the issue of ‘ seasonality ’ , pointed out that Britain lagged behind most of Europe in the number of public holidays .
2 The Chancellor is trying to convince his political audience that Britain 's deficit ( now running at close on 4 per cent of national income ) is not a problem ; and to convince the markets not to sell sterling .
3 Labour 's change of policy on the European Community puts it in a strong position to argue that economic and industrial decisions are increasingly likely to be made on a European basis and it is essential that Britain plays a more constructive role .
4 This chain of events suggests that Britain got into medium- and high-level waste technology early , but then abandoned the middle tier .
5 Officials also talk of an ‘ armageddon scenario ’ , asking that Britain secure international agreement to accommodate millions of Hong Kong refugees in the event of Tiananmen-style repression after 1997 .
6 It argues that Britain has a moral responsibility to its citizens in Hong Kong ; that Hong Kong people ‘ do not want to leave … they seek an insurance policy ’ ; that Britain is ‘ markedly ungenerous to its colonies ’ compared with other European countries ; and that ‘ insofar as any Hong Kong people were to move to Britain , they would be a valuable asset to the British economy ’ .
7 It argues that Britain has a moral responsibility to its citizens in Hong Kong ; that Hong Kong people ‘ do not want to leave … they seek an insurance policy ’ ; that Britain is ‘ markedly ungenerous to its colonies ’ compared with other European countries ; and that ‘ insofar as any Hong Kong people were to move to Britain , they would be a valuable asset to the British economy ’ .
8 But some people did worry , notably those who argued that Britain , having ruled Hong Kong as a benign dictatorship for more than 140 years , should institute a fully democratic government before 1997 .
9 ‘ Hong Kong People Rule Hong Kong ’ : the slogan propagated by China during the 1982-84 sovereignty negotiations , to encourage popular local support for its demand that Britain withdraw completely from the administration of Hong Kong on 30 June 1997 .
10 It argues that Britain must move Hong Kong into alignment with the terms of the Basic Law before 1997 , to avoid instability during the transition itself .
11 Tony Benn , who Mr O'Neill recalled was a member of a Labour Cabinet committed to nuclear defence , insisted that Britain did not need nuclear weapons because there was no Soviet threat .
12 SCOTTISH fishermen 's leaders warned yesterday that Britain 's North Sea haddock quota will be exhausted within three weeks , leading to crisis in the industry and large-scale dumping at sea .
13 But he said Labour did not agree that Britain could or should abandon development , either for itself or for the developing world .
14 Last July , when recovery of the bronzes was taken up with Richard Luce , Minister for the Arts , an MP was told that Britain ‘ has existing channels for international co-operation to help trace stolen works of art ’ .
15 It was also announced yesterday that Britain was giving £500,000 to the Urban Foundation in South Africa , a private group backed by South African businesses , to help finance homes for low-income black families .
16 At the same time , it was accepted that all the talks , petitions , donations and arguments had been brought about by the imminence of the Commonwealth Conference , where the Secretary-General , Sonny Ramphal , has warned that Britain may find itself in a minority of one over South Africa .
17 Mrs Thatcher has made it clear that Britain remains as adamantly opposed as ever to sanctions and has no intention of joining in new measures against South Africa .
18 ‘ There seems to be an idea in South Africa that Britain will protect the country in the Security Council and fight against the imposition of sanctions .
19 That may be true in general , but the other side of the coin is that Britain expects change in return , and puts on tremendous pressure to get that change , ’ one official said .
20 Sir Fred Catherwood , a senior Tory member of the European Parliament , said the Prime Minister 's insistence that Britain should join when the time is right had become ‘ a bit of a joke ’ .
21 One of Crossman 's cardinal convictions was that Britain was run not as a democracy but as an oligarchy — and that view of his was perhaps partially reflected in my own youthful outburst against the essentially incestuous relationship between politicians and journalists that I thought I had discovered even within the people 's party .
22 Does the recent rash of serious accidents affecting people jammed together in small spaces mean that Britain has become the glass jaw , as well as , allegedly , the dirty man of Europe ?
23 The recent series of disasters from The Herald of Free Enterprise onwards , has led us to believe that Britain is particularly unsafe .
24 The GDR line is that Britain and the US were responsible for this ‘ collaboration with monopoly capital … without any democratic authorisation ’ .
25 Last month it was announced that Britain will get its first new-wave trams in 1991 .
26 In sharp contrast to Britain 's refusal to publicly apportion blame for waning faith in the colony 's future , China 's representative to the Joint Liason Group on Hong Kong , Ke Zaishuo , suggested that Britain , not China 's trigger-happy army , was alone responsible .
27 In the race to present the ‘ greenest ’ image in advance of the next election , the present government may find it prudent to revise its view that Britain can not afford such luxuries .
28 In July the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ruled that Britain could not extradite Mr Soering to answer a capital charge of murder because he might face ‘ death row ’ .
29 The Government 's official position , dictated by the Prime Minister , has been that Britain will join the ERM when ‘ the time is ripe ’ .
30 The disagreement follows China 's recent assertion that Britain was responsible for the crisis of confidence in Hong Kong and that Whitehall had ‘ connived ’ with locals who were attempting to overthrow the Chinese government .
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