Example sentences of "for variety " in BNC.

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1 A slice of chorizo sausage may be placed on top of the refried beans for variety .
2 Italian firm Same-Lamborghini has done its bit for variety over the years , with a series of innovations that suggest that its research and development department gets a bigger budget than many other companies ' equivalents .
3 Birmingham 's theatres are some of the best in the country , for variety , quality , and facilities .
4 For variety , there is a choice of Chinese and Indian cuisine close by .
5 In other words , given no food choice a cat gives up asking for variety ; given variety it demands more .
6 This is a real duff cash-in on the Megamix of yore , with THAT drumbeat added to ‘ Grease Is The Word ’ and the soppy ‘ Hopelessly Devoted ’ segued in for variety .
7 Pamela 's job has dress constraints , and comfort is very important , so Jane Cristofani suggested she invest in skirt and trouser suits which could easily be mixed and matched for variety .
8 Only a fool , though , would deny that the contrivances have a point ; only a very careless reader would think that the entrelacements of this romance are purely for variety , and have nothing to say about ‘ the fundamental character of reality ’ at all .
9 Perhaps ; but I 've never seen any particular virtue in consistency , and it certainly made for variety .
10 For variety and to make a longer walk you can try the three circular walks which leave the towpath at various points .
11 Secretan arrived at the same conclusion : ‘ It is scarcely to be wondered at that youthful craving for variety and excitement sometimes leads gangs of boys to try and put a little colour into their leisure hours in ways which lead to conflict with authority or to degradation of character .
12 The spoken word has vast opportunities for variety by the use of tone , stress , inflexion and in the way that our words are delivered .
13 This allows them to proliferate their model ranges faster to cater for the growing demand for variety in each sector of the market .
14 The pious and happy deaths of good little boys and girls , with , for variety , the occasional frightful deaths of irreligious children who were assumed to have passed straight to the eternal fires of hell , are continually described and lingered over in children 's books of the eighteenth and nineteenth century , from Janeway onward .
15 Buy the shirts large and have a few for variety .
16 The Langstrasse is renowned for variety and competitive prices .
17 On the return journey to canton Bern some people may , for variety , choose to take by road or rail the faster route from Luzern to Bern ( or Thun ) by way of the Emmental .
18 The latter is a good example of his more extended type of cantata with fewer but longer sections than Rossi 's : The opening of the duet will also illustrate one of Carissimi 's most striking characteristics , his genuine sense of key : The slow , uncertain supersession of mode by key had not yet generally revealed the possibilities of tonality for variety and dynamic structure ; composers still treated a key very much as a mode , a tonal area within which they could move and from which they wandered uncertainly , and which helped to give unity to a composition .
19 This kind of multiplication of a brief cell is common to many melodies , for variety , added interest , or to give a moment of decline ( as above ) .
20 The parameter p is an indicator of the degree of substitutability is the elasticity of substitution between any two products ) , or of the preference for variety .
21 The number of firms is larger , the smaller fixed costs ( C ) relative to the total sales ( δM ) , the greater the preference for variety ( ) , and the more account taken of the indirect effect ( γ ) .
22 Many secondees had been a considerable time in their pre-secondment posts and were looking for variety .
23 Since NZ is so good for walking , I recommend bringing a pair of boots ; we can then do the occasional walk for variety 's sake .
24 Although the positioning of players seems wrong and choice of instruments has presumably been dictated by the need for variety in a tiny space ( the original is quite small ) much remains plausible .
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