Example sentences of "was president " in BNC.

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1 He was President of FISA ( Federation Internationale des Societes d'Aviron ) , the world governing body , for 30 years ; and most of this body 's attitudes and practices reflect the force of his strict , but genial personality .
2 He sat on the appropriate boards of the International Olympic Committee and was President of the General Assembly of International Sports Federations for 17 years .
3 Backing is being sought from influential colleagues including Sir John Kingman , Vice-Chancellor of Bristol University , who was president of the RSS until earlier this year , and Professor Peter Moore , former principal of the London Business School , the current RSS president .
4 The jesus man had a first class in history behind him , and a first class with distinction in English Literature behind him , and was president of the university mountaineering club .
5 He was president of the Institute of Petroleum from 1968 to 1970 and president of the UK Petroleum Industries Association from 1979 to 1980 .
6 From 1982 to 1983 , he was president of the Society of British Aerospace Companies .
7 It was a glittering occasion , their 150th anniversary , and Charles was president .
8 She visited hospitals and schools , even a school for the deaf , where she boasted that she was President of the British Deaf Association .
9 Before stepping unrepentantly down ( in 1989 ) , he entrenched himself as commander of the army for six further years , intending thus to protect the criminals who had done the dirty work while he was president .
10 He was president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace when Whittaker Chambers , a renegade and self-confessed Communist ‘ spy ’ then on the staff of Time magazine , accused him of having passed him documents from the State Department during the late 1930s .
11 Mitchell , now 27 , was president of OUDS at Oxford .
12 He played a vital role in setting up the Australian National Trust , and was president of the Australian Academy of the Humanities .
13 I was stunned : evidently this was the same Sir Simon Gourlay who , before his knighthood , was president of the NFU .
14 He was president of the county in 1964 and 1965 and was honorary secretary for 26 years until his death .
15 He had been Club Captain from 1914–1916 and was President from 1920–23 .
16 David Ricalde Rios was President of the Asociacion por la Conservacion de la Selva Sur ( ACSS ) .
17 Terry Ahue worked as a lifeguard at Pipeline and was President of the Hui o he'enalu .
18 As the young secretary of the War Cabinet 's Manpower Requirements Committee , he had learned his craft from Bridges and Beveridge ; he was President of the Board of Trade and in the Cabinet at the age of thirty-one ; he had a sense of history , he was numerate and he knew all the tricks of political manipulation and presentation .
19 Charles Friedel from the Sorbonne was president of the organising committee of the conference and put ‘ the study of the reforms to be brought to the nomenclature of organic chemistry ’ on the agenda .
20 This young man later persuaded me to arrange and present a series of music appreciation talks every Monday evening for the Baptist Young People 's Group of which he was president .
21 Alf Jacobson was President , Roy Dunlop Vice-President and Carson Buchanan Secretary-Treasurer .
22 Sir Thomas , born in 1838 , had been a pupil of Sir Charles Lanyon and was President of the Royal Hibernian Academy in 1900 .
23 From 1895–1897 he was President of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland .
24 Grey was President of the Institute for twenty-four years , until his death in 1859 , the longest tenure of office of all the Presidents .
25 His first book , Specimens of the Geometrical Mosaic of the Middle Ages , appeared in 1848 , and in 1849 the Society of Arts , of which Prince Albert was President , commissioned him to write a report on the eleventh Paris Exhibition .
26 Parker , an Oxford publisher and bookseller , and writer of some popular architectural books , was President of the Oxford Architectural and Historical Society .
27 Sir Joseph , botanist and explorer , with an interest in plants of agricultural importance , was president of the Royal Society for 42 years .
28 He may have met Burgess at Oxford ; Lord Rivers , who was also a graduate of Magdalen College , and was president of the Odiham Society , may have discussed the society with him ; or Penn may simply have read the society 's advertisement of its intention to send two lads to Alfort for training .
29 She was president of Hampshire Association of Youth Clubs and chairman of the Hampshire Probation Committee .
30 In spite of his opposition to the aims and ideals of the N.D.D.S. and the B.D.D.A. , S. Bright Lucas did sterling work for the deaf and dumb poor of London and was a considerable influence in the founding of the National Deaf Club of which he was President .
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