Example sentences of "is known " in BNC.

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1 No investigation is known to have been carried out either by the Indian or Sri Lankan authorities .
2 The first deals with the reasons of the ( apparent ) diminution of objects as they recede from the eye , and is known as Perspective of Diminution : the second contains the way colours vary as they recede from the eye : the third and last explains how objects should appear less distinct in proportion as they are more remote .
3 Keg , which includes lager , is known in the industry as ‘ brewery conditioned beer ’ .
4 Pubs and clubs with a quick turnover serve what is known as ‘ bright beer ’ from large cellar tanks .
5 A light covering of gas is known as blanket pressure , a heavier pressure used to force the beer to the bar is known as top pressure .
6 A light covering of gas is known as blanket pressure , a heavier pressure used to force the beer to the bar is known as top pressure .
7 It is essential that bulbs spend a period of time in cool , dark conditions before flowering ( this is known as plunging ) to ensure that a good root system is produced , otherwise stunted growth and deformed flowers can result .
8 With its skirt-shaped cups and narrow petals , this narcissus is known as the hoop petticoat daffodil .
9 Other examples of biological control , as it is known , are the use of encarsia parasites to eradicate glasshouse whitefly , and Bacillus thuringiensis , a natural bacteria that kills cabbage caterpillars .
10 But once the wind direction is known , it is easy .
11 During the turn-off , there is time for a reassessment of the height remaining relative to trees and buildings , and a decision has to be made either to continue turning to make a low circuit , or to turn back into wind after using up a little more height ( this is known as an S-turn ) .
12 Although such findings are not in dispute , and of course are rarely undertaken in areas where public antagonism to the institution is known to run high , there is continual pressure to replicate them and repeat the consoling message .
13 Of the 500-plus inspectors who attended the college each year on the course , a handful were awarded what is known as a Home Office Bramshill Scholarship .
14 This is known as ‘ renunciation ’ , and it gives victory to the opponent .
15 You know he is known to everybody — ‘ As a rogue . ’
16 In addition to the secular names , there is an additional one by which the person is known in the synagogue , by which he is ‘ called to the Torah ’ .
17 The BeSHT — ben Eliezer is known by that acronym — produced a shock-wave of such proportions in Judaism that it has still not recovered from him .
18 The behaviourist 's second line of defence is to distinguish between knowing and what is known , and say that the behavioural reduction applies only to the former .
19 This new approach is known as cognitive neuropsychology , and it attempts to explain the impairments which neuropsychological patients unfortunately experience within the vocabulary of cognitive psychology .
20 It is known as a speech output system because there is evidence that a quite separate lexicon is involved in speech perception .
21 I am writing to you to ask if it is possible to obtain drawings , designs and or working instructions for making what is known as a Steamer Chair .
22 The cross section curve of a gouge is known as its sweep .
23 A Very little is known about Foster , but he is believed to have worked with Leppard in Bristol around 1810–30 .
24 The majority will receive the ‘ Operation Enterprise ’ pack which has been used for a number of years and is known to the movement .
25 The technical structure of each step and pose is known and years of practice in hundreds of class-rooms have produced principles of calm and - spacious movement .
26 Elsewhere reference has been made to the difference between Spanish style and flamenco style ( see page 59 ) which belongs to the Spanish gipsies from whom has also developed what is known as gipsy character dance .
27 Keg , which includes lager , is known in the industry as ‘ brewery conditioned beer ’ .
28 The type of yeast strain used for ale is known as ‘ top fermenting ’ .
29 ‘ Nicholson 's is known for its high standards .
30 A ‘ lamp ’ is the correct name for what most of us call a light bulb , and the common or garden light bulb is known as a GLS ( general lighting service ) lamp .
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