Example sentences of "it suggests " in BNC.

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1 Divorce has this effect because it suggests that remarriage in the lifetime of one 's first partner is socially and even morally acceptable' ( Irish Times , 6 June 1986 ; also 31 May 1986 ; 14 June 1986 ) .
2 It suggests that next time , with a little more luck , or hard work , success may come .
3 But the growing interest in it suggests that it offers both a possible way out of present impasses and a way forward .
4 It suggests that there are universal human qualities , and that people can recognize them in Shakespeare 's dramas , over the centuries and through many cultural mediations .
5 Like so much else in these cantos , the last line is midleading , since it suggests it was by an edict of Henry III that the Magna Charta was sent to all cathedrals and read four times a year , whereas Coke 's Institutes make it clear that this was on the contrary an enactment of Edward I. ‘ Selinunte ’ and ‘ Akragas ’ ( the old name of Agrigento ) are ancient Greek cities in Sicily .
6 Rather I cite it here as a historical antecedent whose very strangeness alerts us to several facts relevant to what follows : first , and most obviously , that sexual difference is not a biological given so much as a complex ideological history ; second , that current theories of sexual difference are of relatively recent origin , and quite probably still haunted by older views , including this one ; third , it suggests that ‘ before ’ sexual difference the woman was once ( and may still be ) feared in a way in which the homosexual now is — feared , that is , not so much , or only , because of a radical otherness , as because of an interior resemblance presupposing a certain proximity ; the woman then , as the homosexual in modern psychoanalytic discourse , is marked in terms of lesser or retarded development .
7 I have already explored in relation to Gide and others the kind of rebellion whose test they retrospectively failed , namely , transgression as a quest for authenticity : underpinning and endorsing the philosophy of individualism , it suggests that in defying a repressive social order we can dis-cover ( and so be true to ) our real selves .
8 If I had to give a single criterion of that dubious category , the homosexual sensibility , it would be this connection between perversity and paradox — if only because it suggests why that sensibility does not exist as such .
9 It suggests too why establishing personal culpability is not the issue .
10 It suggests too why the other of sexual fantasy may be stereotypical or two-dimensional in a way somehow at odds with the intensity and density of the desire which constructs it .
11 This innovation is especially significant as it suggests that Marx did not believe there was necessarily one set scheme of evolution which applied for the whole of mankind , the view which was held implicitly by most of Marx 's contemporaries .
12 And in addition , since the writer disassociates herself and most ‘ caring and considerate people ’ from the people who caused Zahira 's experiences , it suggests that nothing need be done to change the set-up which resulted in her tragic experience , that citizens whose government is racist and oppressive are in no way responsible for its policies .
13 Claiming the 1980s have been wasted in the development of elderly-care services , it suggests a three-year programme of community services development costing £700,000 — or another 1 per cent extra funding — in each health district .
14 It suggests at once beauty and brutality for some are born with black eyes and some are given them .
15 If so , it suggests that liberal policies will be implemented in Peru at least for a few months this year , whatever the general public thinks .
16 It suggests to the black who gets the job , and the white colleagues he meets , that he did not get there on merit , but because of the colour of his skin .
17 It suggests , too , the knife-edge path traversed by the adult writer between his overpowering response to physical and natural beauty and the self-defeating sense of unworthiness that he normally characterises , and displays , as a hampering shyness , a fear of rejection .
18 Still it is now part of the larger narrative , and read as that it suggests a period of peaceful coexistence before their final parting .
19 The formulation is strange , since it suggests that one can measure a person 's ability to conform to the law .
20 Only two years ago I myself wrote an essay which uses all three of these mechanisms directly about Rose of Lima : it diagnoses her ‘ problem ’ as a sado-masochistic relationship to God , it relates this causally to a religious culture which is viciously sexist and heterosexist , and it suggests that we deal with all this by growing up into spiritual maturity and putting such alarming eccentricities behind us .
21 Rather it suggests that women should be allowed to differentiate .
22 His essay , ‘ Of Parents and Children ’ , still makes salutary reading , and by no means sings the praises of paternity ; it suggests that most of the ‘ noblest works ’ of civilisation have been accomplished by the childless .
23 It suggests a new trend in punctuation , or lack of .
24 It suggests that the market will continue to show growth of 2.9 per cent pa over the next five years despite the major question mark over recyclability and solvent emissions .
25 It suggests being sufficiently ‘ within' a situation to allow one 's intuition to work .
26 Wrangham 's theory remains tentative but if it stands up to further investigation it suggests that humans were primordially partrilineal .
27 It suggests that a human being could in theory obtain all the food he or she needed from a well-tended patio !
28 It suggests that your vehicle was once petrol engined or has had the wrong springs fitted at some point .
29 Also , if a woman at twenty-six is still a virgin it suggests she is not an overemotional type .
30 It suggests that injustices in this world may be rectified in the next .
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