Example sentences of "in later " in BNC.

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1 Charlie 's departure is the first of several , and this event is succeeded by the announcement of a further theme when the rabbi 's thunderings pass over the heads of his congregation and the writer notes : ‘ in later years I would wonder how different my life might have been if a few people , those closest to me , had been frightened — just a little . ’
2 This he did with difficulty , partly on account of his bad eyesight , partly because of what in later years would come to be referred to as ‘ a learning disability ’ or ‘ mild dyslexia ’ ; and partly because he simply was n't much of a reader .
3 An avenue of acers creates vertical interest in a formal plan , but potentially large varieties will need to be pruned back in later years .
4 In later , calmer moments , those conclusions which are not based on published research material need to be contested .
5 They would all chip in later , of course , but she was too shattered right now , they must all be too shattered right now , to start doing sums , working out who had eaten what and how much it had cost .
6 The book includes consideration of health promotion in later life ; the relationship of World Health Organisation targets to the care of older adults ; and the specific needs of ethnic minority older people and of frail , vulnerable older people .
7 His child-like enjoyment of the new equipment and gadgetry he came to be able to afford in later life gave warmly affectionate amusement to his friends especially when they found him camping in his own front garden in the latest tent and sleeping bag , or were asked to take him , when he was stone-blind from glaucoma , to the locations of his favourite plants to photograph them with an auto-focus camera .
8 Owners should make up for any lost socialising time with large dogs because , while lack of socialisation can mean problems for any dog , the big boys are that much more of a handful in later life .
9 And yet he took no steps to reintroduce it in later editions .
10 It interknits with that world of chances and mischances , improbable or absurd or grotesque or just neutrally happening as they do happen , which we meet everywhere in later Dostoevsky and specially in The Possessed .
11 In later academic criticism , it is only among Marxists and feminists that we had an overt evaluative pressure .
12 That deference towards the well-disposed reader is hard to find in later criticism — for good reason , no doubt .
13 He certainly enjoyed perfect health , helped , he claimed , by being a teetotaller and in later life a vegetarian .
14 The FT-SE 100 share index was down 42 points at one stage but recovered in later trading to end the day down 30.5 points at 2,281.6 .
15 Shadows have lengthened stealthily in the course of The Bellarosa Connection , gathering for what Martin Amis described in later Bellow as ‘ last things , leave-taking , and final lucidities ’ , and at the close there is a quietly affecting image of the narrator setting down his story , alone .
16 Though dogged by ill health in later years he was still able to work in his particularly single-minded way , largely because of the devotion of his wife Mitzi whom he met during the war , while serving with the Royal Engineers .
17 Furthermore , graduates can be expected to make fewer demands on the public purse in later life .
18 On a deeper level , however , as we shall see in later chapters , the identity category ‘ Catholic ’ is , for the majority of policemen and women , not an all-inclusive typification in which every Catholic is categorized alike .
19 This encourages a balanced view of Catholics , something which , as we shall emphasize in later chapters , can be absent amongst some policemen beleaguered behind their reinforced stations in areas of high tension and conflict .
20 However , this will be done with a very broad sweep to permit the focus in later chapters to concentrate on what is the essential and most interesting feature of routine policing in Northern Ireland : namely , how societal divisions affect and constrain it .
21 However , the characteristics of police occupational culture in Easton and the question of informal rules and control will be addressed in later chapters , to allow the focus here to narrow towards an outline of the nature of routine policing and its accomplishment .
22 In later life I was made unnecessarily unhappy by my religious divergence from his position . ’
23 Geoffrey Fisher wrote a last school report which in later years became legendary : ‘ A boy with plenty of force of character who , in spite of certain uncouthnesses , has done good service on his own lines ’ .
24 Whenever he thought about this in later years , his memory would go back to the Cuddesdon time and the shock of seeing a House of Commons pretending that it knew how people ought to say their prayers .
25 In later years he was once asked whether he , who was shy , was anguished when forced to go out visiting homes in Liverpool and to try to make the first touch with a strange family .
26 In later years he thought that twice in his life , and twice only , he seriously wondered whether Frank was right , and he wrong , about religion .
27 Queen Victoria achieved a big improvement when she insisted that prime ministers should not choose whomsoever they liked without consulting the Archbishop of Canterbury ; and in later stages she was able to insist that if the archbishop objected , the prime minister 's nomination should not go forward .
28 Occasionally , when he came back to Cambridge in later years , and especially when he came back to help the university elect another professor of divinity , he would be nostalgic , and say , ‘ I should like to have another go at being regius professor , .
29 As a young man he had been pursued by many women ; that he secretly despised them did not lessen his attractiveness but in later years his large family and increasing years had hung about him with a weight as great as any deformity : but he would never risk exposing himself as Rose had .
30 But Engels , in later editions , added a footnote to this sentence stating that this remark does not apply to all human history but only to written history .
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