Example sentences of "in order " in BNC.

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1 In the same way , if your spouse pays income tax at the higher rate and you pay tax at only the ( lower ) basic rate , then in order to obtain Higher Rate Tax Relief , your spouse should enter into the covenant , or into a Joint Deed of Covenant with you , and he/she should actually make the covenant payments .
2 Similarly , if your spouse pays income tax at the higher rate and you pay tax at only the ( lower ) basic rate , then your spouse should make the Gift Aid payment in order to obtain the higher rate relief .
3 The authorities denied that his arrest in 1987 was solely because he had met pro-North Korean people in Japan and claimed that he had acted on North Korean orders to collect documents on South Korean opposition groups , and to infiltrate dissent groups in order to create social unrest .
4 I feel Amnesty has to provide a quiet , more balanced overview of a region in order to maintain its impartiality and credibility , and to operate effectively .
5 But an auction is mainly a bullish market ; vendors are trying to improve their prices , and few except dealers are selling on the market 's way down , in order to rebuy .
6 A word of caution is in order , though , about the names of exhibiting groups .
7 A journalist politician , Meredith Herbert , is made a minister — perhaps in order that he should be damaged by having to deal with the people on the streets ; he is , perhaps , physically beaten up .
8 Guerrillas , then , is shaped in order to accommodate its three zones , and in accordance with a distinction between the political and the phantasmagorical , though there are moments when phantasmagoria , futility , threatens to envelop the island — Grange , Ridge , gangs , government , politics and all .
9 Salim leaves them , takes off on the first of a series of ‘ flights ’ , and treks to the interior , to a country which appears to be compounded of the Congo and of Uganda , in order to earn a living from a store which he has acquired from a man whose daughter he is expected to marry one day .
10 Annie left him , and then , pregnant , offered herself in order to saddle him with someone else 's child — and this when he had just received a telegram awarding him a scholarship to Oxford .
11 In order to find out more of what this writer thinks about imitation , we are in a position to consult a work by him where a treatise on the subject is developed at intervals and where he writes in propria persona .
12 In other words , Kundera 's novel isolates certain tendencies in the behaviour of poets ( and others ) in order to prosecute an attack on Stalinist Czechoslovakia .
13 The difference yields a political meaning , in other words , and it would also appear to relate to the old theory of the difference between an author who tells and an author who shows , and who employs a medley of voices in order to do so .
14 His first book , the collection of stories entitled Goodbye , Columbus , fixed him in the popular mind , from 1959 , as an ‘ enemy of the Jews ’ — a condition aggravated by the onanistic bravura and scandalous mad success of the grotesquely imaginative Portnoy 's Complaint ( 1969 ) , and not much improved in recent years by The Counterlife ( 1987 ) , in which various escapes from Jewish America , including an escape to Israel , are projected , and in which Zuckerman and his dentist brother Henry are both imagined to have ailing hearts and to undertake gruesome surgery in order to restore the sexual potency suspended by their medication .
15 She observes that the prisoner is following a prohibition laid down in the Old Testament , but that a rabbinical ruling had allowed Jews to eat in the camps on Yom Kippur in order to stay alive .
16 I intended to ‘ exploit ’ my popularity in my country in order to impose upon my readers a book centred on the Ashkenazi civilisation , history , language and frame of mind , all of which are virtually unknown in Italy , except by some sophisticated readers of Joseph Roth , Bellow , Singer , Malamud , Potok , and of course yourself .
17 Application for a grant should be made at the same time as the application for an audition in order that you can be sure of your position should you be fortunate enough to be offered a place .
18 In Great Britain the ear becomes accustomed to the native British voice handling the classical text , but this really should not hinder American actors ; they need not become totally ‘ accentless ’ in order to play classical verse .
19 It 's not much use arriving somewhere at ten in the morning clutching the collected works under your arm and wishing you had a wig and been born thirty years earlier in order to play Lear — or for that matter the Duke of Gloucester .
20 A R. One of the biggest questions for young actors today is the problem of becoming members of Equity in order to work in the business for which they have trained .
21 Before applying the general analysis to Ireland , and in order to get to the heart of the matter , it is first necessary to understand the close relationship between beliefs and violence within the context of the state in general .
22 It is the state which properly exercises the use of force in order to maintain social control , whereas it is in civil society — the family , school , work-place , church , and other non-state institutions — that hegemony operates .
23 The labour party , which still had some of the socialist leanings of its founder James Connolly , was forced by its own lay members to amend its draft constitution in 1940 in order to fall in line with current papal social teaching .
24 In other words , support for the education policies of the church were the quid the Irish party had to give in order to obtain the quo of the bishops ' endorsement of the party as the genuine political representatives of the Irish people or nation .
25 Harry MacAdoo , then the Church of Ireland archbishop of Dublin , on several occasions put forward the argument that Southern protestants were a minority group with their own culture and traditions , and thus deserved to have schools for themselves in order to hand on their own traditions .
26 One of them , it was pointed out to him , was the great ex-Soviet chess player , Korchnoi , who is apparently training with the team in order to reach maximum physical fitness for his world title challenge to his arch-rival , the darling of the Soviets , Karpov .
27 In order to get rid of the whole web of interlinked concepts , myths , wishes and desires , one has to mine it from within .
28 In order to further speed and cheapen the process , inferior ingredients such as maize , rice , triticale , wheat flour and potato starch are used and helped on their way by chemicals that hasten fermentation , cut down on the yeast head in the vessels to allow more wort to be treated , and to give a lively fake head to the finished product .
29 Worthington White Shield , brewed by Bass , is a strong , nutty pale ale that has to be poured with care in order to retain the natural sediment in the bottle .
30 The ascetic modernists ' rejection of history in order to create a visionary brave New World was clearly incompatible with the historic pub .
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