Example sentences of "a computer " in BNC.

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1 BUYING a computer system for a single hotel or restaurant , or for a chain of units , involves far more than ordering and taking delivery of powerful foxes loaded with clever software .
2 How successful a computer installation is will depend largely on how clearly the customer and the supplier have defined , at the outset , what the system is supposed to achieve .
3 ‘ Users must also be encouraged to recognise the difference between a reception problem and a computer problem .
4 Everything stored in the memory of a computer can be copied on to removable diskettes .
5 See a computer dealer for more advice and insist on seeing a demonstration before you buy .
6 However , it is one thing to scan a computer screen in the catering office : it 's quite another to do stocktaking — typically this involves carrying a notebook around the various larders and coldrooms .
7 This time it was just a computer error they thought — apparently a fairly common occurrence when there 's been some form of disruption to a claim .
8 ‘ They think it 's a computer error — but they 're still checking on it . ’
9 The human mind — which , from this viewpoint , is the brain — is said to work on the same plan as a computer , with operations being carried out on physical symbols .
10 Now the machine-code analogy works well only so long as we forget that all a computer program has to do is run .
11 Well , I think that there is an argument of sorts for saying that a computer of the kind described does not have a theory of the external world , does not have mental states which refer , and does not therefore have thoughts in any significant sense .
12 No one outside of the wilder sects of the artificial intelligence fraternity would suggest that a device that translated morse into natural language characters on the screen of a computer was releasing the consciousness implicit in morse .
13 If these definitions were put through a computer they would list five kinds of jumps , twenty-three pas de bourrée , seven glissades and so on .
14 Andrew was determined to pursue a computer career .
15 This is a project aimed at building a computer which can process one million floating point operations per second .
16 People must n't think that because there 's a computer , they 've got to think of a use for it . ’
17 Thermocouples at critical points in each fridge or other piece of equipment will show , through a computer print-out , how the temperature varies inside it .
18 A computer system is also available whereby the record kept by the court stenographer is fed to a print-out on a screen for the defendant .
19 The data would be sent to a computer and , as with telephone calls , logged , costed and sent out in the form of a periodic bill .
20 The precocious meddler actually managed to gain access to a computer used by Grumman to handle military customers including the Pentagon , police said .
21 But , according to Peter Sommer , a computer forensics expert , a hard disc ‘ is more likely to be wiped out by glitches in the electricity supply ’ .
22 Alan Bates 's Muse Of Fire , for example , could have been compiled by a computer : its selection of all the biggest blazes in world literature lacks any sense of dramatic propulsion , a shapeless cabaret-set without music .
23 But the main area of controversy is whether simply obtaining unauthorised access to a computer should be a crime .
24 With their teams of lawyers , accountants and company agents , and able to transfer money at the push of a computer button , the launderers dodge through the maze of the different countries ' jurisdictions creating a trail so complex that investigators , never mind the banks , find it almost impossible to spot what is going on .
25 Investigators are feeding weather and tide charts into a computer to trace the voyage .
26 At the Conservative Party Conference in 1986 , Norman Fowler , then Secretary of State for Health , produced a computer printout of 380 new ‘ large hospital schemes ’ : the list was so long because he had counted every programme over £1m , whereas schemes had previously had to cost over £5m in order to qualify .
27 There should a widely-drawn ‘ basic ’ summary offence of unauthorised entry into a computer system , an aggravated offence of unauthorised entry with intent to commit or assist in serious crime , and a further serious offence of altering computer-held data or programs .
28 If the recommendations became law , unauthorised entry to a computer through carelessness would technically be an offence , so there was more of an onus on companies to ensure that all employees knew exactly what they were authorised to do , a spokesman said .
29 Shortly after the commission 's report was made public , Alan Soloman , a computer virus expert , invited hackers , and those whose business it is to keep them out , to a tournament which will test the expertise of both sides .
30 Cathy Wallis , a computer programmer , believes the policy has improved the quality of her working life and would definitely think twice about accepting a job where smoking was the norm .
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