Example sentences of "a single " in BNC.

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1 In Ealing , social workers , H.E.A.R.S ( Hounslow & Ealing AIDS Response Service ) and the Ealing Home Support team have made referrals to ACET to provide for needs where a single agency can not give all of the support required .
2 Injecting drugs with a shared needle and syringe. ( 20 people can get infected in a single evening this way . )
3 Since Gift Aids applies to a single gifts it can be a very useful means of making a charitable gift towards the end of the tax year when your taxable income for the year can be estimated with some degree of precision .
4 Likewise , if you wished to make a single gift to ACET of less than £600 then — assuming that you are a taxpayer — you can enable ACET to get the benefit of tax relief by the same Deposited Covenant arrangement .
5 A guide to art reference books published in 1969 had 2,500 entries , some of which referred to series ; for example , there was a single entry for the series of monographs on individual artists , called Klassiker der Kunst , also published in French as Classiques d'Art , in which there are thirty-eight books .
6 The unfriendly comment of Edgar Wind in Art and Anarchy was : ‘ What has optimistically been called a ‘ museum without walls ' ’ is in fact a museum on paper — a paper-world of art in which the epic oratory of Malraux proclaims , with the voice of a crier in the market place , that all art is composed in a single key , that huge monuments and small coins have the same plastic eloquence if transferred to the scale of the printed page , that a gouache can equal a fresco . ’
7 They have undermined long-cherished views of the writer or artist as a unique individual creating in the image of divine creation ( in an unbroken chain that links father and son as in Michelangelo 's God reaching towards Adam in the Sistine Chapel frescoes ) , and the work of art as reducible to a single ‘ true meaning ’ …
8 Dictionaries describe a monograph as an account of a single subject ; by this definition monographs make up one of the most common categories of art publishing .
9 A book on a single painter , for example , is a monograph .
10 These tints are balanced by a very little warm colour on a road and gravel pit in the foreground , a single house in the middle distance , and the scarlet jacket of a labourer .
11 As a book on a single subject , there is a good chance that the need for description will be reduced by extensive illustration , while a favourable judgement on the work has already been implied by the choice of the subject for a monograph .
12 This sort of reading is only for the dedicated follower of the history of taste , though any reader particularly interested in a picture may find within a single catalogue entry an acutely discriminating judgement or interesting facts ; for example , Tietze 's entry also points out that Manet so much admired the Tintoretto self-portrait that he made a copy of it .
13 H. W. Janson 's History of Art , the standard college textbook , did not at that time mention a single woman artist ’ ; and in discussing the period reviewed by the exhibition , various choices of media made by women artists are chronicled , for , ‘ Many women artists eschewed painting — especially abstract painting — as a domain polluted by long saturation with male dominant values , and developed their themes in performance . ’
14 It is brief and fast : it moves to the rhythms of a single drama , and the pace is perfectly judged .
15 They now lie together in a single lot in a local cemetery .
16 The books I am speaking of are , among others , books which pursue the idea of an escape from personality and from society , and in which personality and society are seen — as in Zuckerman 's letter to Maria — to be aspects of a single threat .
17 Here a single actor plays an imprisoned man , and performs in silence , and the scene culminates in an emotional breakdown where the prisoner beats on the door of his cell .
18 The church of Ireland still has one all-island synod , the presbyterians a single general assembly , the methodists one conference .
19 Mistake of the old type of interpretation was to fit all into a single story , a single world .
20 Mistake of the old type of interpretation was to fit all into a single story , a single world .
21 Another dimension , or at least our world as a single dimension among many , he wrote .
22 I have never spent so long on a single project .
23 Bar service enabled various different rooms , or cabins within rooms , to be served from a central point ; many late-Victorian pubs had a sequence of separate private bars serve from a single bar-counter , in total contrast to the current fashion for single-room pubs .
24 BUYING a computer system for a single hotel or restaurant , or for a chain of units , involves far more than ordering and taking delivery of powerful foxes loaded with clever software .
25 Or the whole unit can be checked at a single tour , with a limit of 2,000 stock codes on the Psion .
26 Using all of the system 's facilities , management can analyse sales and staffing levels in multiple bars on a single site , or can view an entire operation remotely from a head office .
27 Club 2000 features an Access Control System which enables members to book and use facilities with a single magnetic strip membership card .
28 The terminal offers Maxial users a facility to enter restaurant and bar menu items with a single key stroke .
29 So go and try it at Riva 's restaurant , 169 Church Road , Barnes , London SW13 ( 081–748 0434 ) where you can drink a single glass with Andrea Riva 's tiramisu .
30 TULIP wafer cups can hold a single scoop of ice cream or desserts such as fruit and cream .
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