Example sentences of "a quick " in BNC.

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1 After a quick tidy-up they took the next train back to the Gare de Lyon where Monique had only twenty minutes to wait .
2 New faces are arriving all the time and in some cases actors make a quick start with a first job or they may have a relatively long wait before they get off the mark .
3 And then a quick advance again and then again nothing .
4 Pubs and clubs with a quick turnover serve what is known as ‘ bright beer ’ from large cellar tanks .
5 The CHAMPS installation will certainly meet that aim , and the interface of all its facilities allows us to manage the hotel while enabling guests to deal with their affairs in a quick and effective manner . ’
6 Jilly Jonathan gave a quick little frown .
7 He had given Arabella Buckley a quick glance then .
8 The local authority that owned the premises was ‘ privatizing ’ it , i.e. making a quick profit while there were still a fair few years on the lease .
9 Katrina went over and had a quick word with her , then she beckoned towards me .
10 A quick but careful briefing would , in most cases , prevent incidents such as someone lifting a wing without first checking that the other wing will not come down on to another glider 's canopy .
11 After the initial reaction of lowering the nose and checking the speed , a quick assessment of the situation is necessary .
12 If height permits , I then like to make a series of stalls using large amounts of rudder and handing over control for a quick recovery , moving the stick forward and using normal stick and rudder together to bring the wings level .
13 Travelling by road or train , try to make a quick choice and evaluation of the nearby fields .
14 In the air , look right round as you make a quick circle .
15 This is done by a quick and simple blood test .
16 In any public confrontation a quick assessment and early resolution is the order of the day , for on the streets pragmatism always rules and ‘ real polises ’ set out immediately to ‘ fix ’ their adversaries by using deeply imbued constructs relating to time and space .
17 When Lucy suggested a quick drink , Jay was cut to the quick and described herself , with sparse and ironic regret , as ‘ working late ’ .
18 As for the laird — ’ he looked round with a quick black glint , ‘ he can lead us by the nose . ’
19 Mary McCulloch and big Mary went straight along to the Duke 's house with their loads of food and as they went in the Duke came out , dressed in a long plaid of turquoise blue , and had a quick low word with them .
20 The Duke gave him a quick , keen look .
21 A quick , bewildering passage through cold air , strange faces turning to look , a flapping of black gowns topped by frosty wigs .
22 It was close enough to the cottage for her to take an early morning dip or a quick swim before dinner .
23 She changed into her swimsuit and returned to the cove for a quick dip .
24 A quick scan of the above mentioned issues shows that Tennis World can be vindicated from all blame .
25 Faced with such a quick and potentially damaging erosion of its business base , BR tackled the situation on two fronts — reduction of costs and a headon response to the coach operators with bargain fare offers .
26 A quick telephone call from the station 's duty catering manager resulted in the young unfortunate being escorted for questioning by the heavy hand of the police .
27 Perhaps a quick pull and a dyno clip ?
28 There 's a quick glance between novelist and reader in that ‘ dream ’ .
29 A quick glance at the seven-layer decision-making ladder of the OSI , makes plain the potential for querulous technical in-fighting over a near-interminable period .
30 Congressional sources believe the White House saw the chance for a quick , psychologically valuable victory over the Democratic leaders .
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