Example sentences of "a step " in BNC.

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1 Seamus Mallon , MP of the SDLP may have seen the Hillsborough agreement of 1985 as a step towards a united Ireland , but some of his co-politicians in the party would not share that view .
2 He also consulted protestant church leaders on the religious elements of the new constitution , a step unprecedented in catholic Ireland of his day , and gained their support on the basis of the recognition of their churches the constitution was to give .
3 Mr Crozier said that although the UK was more advanced in hygiene than most other member states , the document was still ‘ a step in the right direction for Europe ’ .
4 If you allow the opponent to come too close , then a step forward may not be necessary but you will have to be very quick with your responses !
5 Also , the opponent may fall in an unexpected direction , so that you have to spin around and perhaps take a step to reach him .
6 As the old Jewish proverb has it , ‘ from happiness to suffering is a step ; from suffering to happiness seems an eternity . ’
7 Another aspect , quite apart from this shared verse-form and linguistic usage , is the natural hyperbole endemic to it , which is but a step away from the ‘ surrealist ’ usage of language that Lorca essayed .
8 I took a step forward .
9 If you tackle it along the lines suggested in this booklet , you will have taken a step towards reducing the appalling costs the problem imposes on all of us .
10 John Makepeace 's aim then was to bring the courses a step further with the potential for product manufacture on site .
11 Now , as a step away from the craftsman entrepreneur that has been John Makepeace 's hallmark he has introduced a new course to Hooke Park College for manufacturing businesses that want to make better use of wood .
12 So far , many of the improvements they brought about have survived , and the fragmented bus industry has not yet led to a breakdown of the integrated ticketing that marked such a step forward in British practice .
13 Characteristic qualities of a step are likely to be retained because the type of music so decrees , although it will rarely be identical in its performance because it will have been refurbished .
14 Impetus is again needed , particularly in a story ballet , when it has to be given to emphasise the significance of a step .
15 This always used to happen in older ballets when the hero would take a step forward with a slight stamp before he ‘ swore to marry ’ the heroine .
16 In other words , the choreographer should set out to create a particular style for the whole dance design , yet within it be free to vary the way of performing a step without breaking away from or distorting the overall rhythmic quality and phrasing of his enchaînements .
17 Altering the look of a step can involve changing the time signature or tempo to which it is danced , the direction it takes or a change of épaulement , its quality and expressiveness , to name but a few .
18 A free seminar programme entitled A step by step guide to building your own home will also run hourly throughout the show .
19 The sharpened exhibitionism of Stavrogin 's wanting everybody to look at him will not have helped Dostoevsky with Katkov , but it does mark a step away from Crime and Punishment and closer to Notes from Underground .
20 ‘ We have taken a step backward , ’ Ryan said — and on this sorry evidence it looks as if it will be backwards all the way when the Test takes place at Cardiff Arms Park on 4 November .
21 As Welsh hockey moves up a step and they prepare for their European Cup qualifier next year , their next games are against Belgium at Newtown at the end of the month .
22 UNILEVER , the Anglo-Dutch consumer products group , has bought the Boursin French Cheese Group for an undisclosed sum as a step in its campaign to exploit the underdeveloped ‘ branded ’ cheese market in the UK and Europe .
23 Today 's run in a handicap is a step up in class , but David Chapman , who trains at Stillington , North Yorkshire , has clearly brought about a change in the colt 's attitude since acquiring him from a Lambourn yard just two months ago .
24 ‘ It is time for the party as a whole to take a step back and look at the way in which its democracy is being carried out , ’ he told the conference .
25 France 's Finance Minister , Pierre Beregevoy , insisted a step had been taken towards eliminating fiscal frontiers .
26 These delays cost small businesses well over £1bn a year but Mrs Thatcher 's Government has not followed our EC partners in providing for automatic charging of interest on overdue bills , a step recommended 10 years ago by the Law Commission .
27 THE RULING body of the Conservative Party yesterday gave way to rank-and-file pressure and moved a step nearer to sanctioning official party candidates in Northern Ireland .
28 Mr Lawson 's speech to a City banquet at the Mansion House next week is seen as one occasion on which new policies -possibly even a step towards full EMS membership — could be outlined .
29 Hungary appeared to take a step in the right direction when its rulers voted to transmute the old Hungarian Socialist Workers ' Party into a new , reformist-led Socialist Party — and in effect divorced the party from the state .
30 A massive step forward from Descartes then , but also perhaps a step back to Augustine .
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