Example sentences of "a look " in BNC.

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1 Nowadays , impartiality need not be expressed quite so crudely , and a look at any group 's case load will show that a balance is always maintained .
2 At this earlier stage Ralph goes into the close and takes a look at the human price of capitalism .
3 Have a look at these .
4 He was putting on his heavy overcoat , asked again casually if he could have a look at the glass .
5 In the search for alternative sources of good , reasonably priced wine , have a look at Sicily .
6 ‘ Not a very lady-like performance , ’ the ample , beflowered lady pronounced , with a look of pinched disapproval in the direction of the girl in the prow .
7 Lord Woodleigh gave him a look that would have quelled in an instant any insolent groom or keeper .
8 In times past , I had tried to get across to the continent as much as possible , but now , while other people were going abroad for the first time because of all the cheap travel around , I was ( without intending to be anti-social ) doing exactly the opposite and taking a look around the British Isles .
9 We 'll have a look round in here . ’
10 This much I could see from the outside when I went down to have a look at it .
11 It started to rain so I went down to Apsley House at the bottom right-hand corner of the park with the intention of having a look at the paintings there .
12 Curious , I went up the path to have a look at it and I discovered to my no great surprise that it marked the entrance to a churchyard .
13 If this bit does refer to you , open your eyes , take a look around you , see what 's going on and do something .
14 Kathleen and I went off for some lunch and we then went to have a look at the castle .
15 When I first met Chris and Pauline Lloyd to discuss their garden and take a look at its one-in-three slope , I was filled with a mixture of admiration for them , and horror at the task ahead .
16 During local soaring , select good-looking fields , and then go and have a look at them after the flight to see what they are really like .
17 Have a look . ’
18 Lucy looked straight into the camera with a look she had taken — and still , against the odds — with a look Jay thought of as love .
19 Lucy looked straight into the camera with a look she had taken — and still , against the odds — with a look Jay thought of as love .
20 ‘ Give me a look at it , ’ Cameron shouted back .
21 Donald McCulloch grinned with pleasure and then turned it into a look of complicity for the younger men .
22 ‘ It s all a stramash of gossip down there , Angus , ’ said Byers , giving his visitors a look .
23 I took a look inside : computer printouts of columns of figures .
24 I then drafted a statement for the management side and sent it by hand to Mellowes who was sufficiently impressed by this initiative to pop his head around the door an hour later with a look of something less than mistrust .
25 She decided to take a look at the harbour .
26 Rosita looks at me indignantly , with a furious gleam in her eyes , a look of hatred that exactly transmits the colour of my question .
27 Has there ever been a tennis player that has written in to say ‘ thank you ’ to their fans who have stood by them through all their traumas and their losses , who have stood for hours in the rain or slept out in the streets to get a look at their idols ?
28 However , we do want to get rid of they ( otherwise the house soon gets full of unsold turnery ! ) , so we price them by our own standards — which may well include a look at what the competition is charging and the ‘ finger in the wind ’ which Hugh decries .
29 We also take a look at William and Mary furniture , and on a contemporary level visit some of the woodworking colleges .
30 If you 're in London , take a look for yourself .
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