Example sentences of "a term " in BNC.

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1 Fry was a connoisseur of Renaissance art , but also he defended Post-Impressionism ( a term he invented ) , was a painter , and published a monograph on Cézanne .
2 An alternative to dates is to use a term like Romantic , even if its meaning seems to alter from writer to writer .
3 The Aztecs did not have a term for ‘ fine arts ’ , nor did they speculate about aesthetics , nor make objects to be contemplated for their beauty alone .
4 ‘ Making Their Mark ’ could equally well have been called a mixed exhibition ; but this is a term more often used for a show put on by an exhibiting society , that type of artists ' organisation whose importance in Europe was created by the middle classes , who sought in the eighteenth century to buy pictures rather than give commissions , as aristocratic patrons had been accustomed to do .
5 The classes are on certain days of the week only , but enrolment is not expensive given that a term is structured over the usual academic year .
6 Before passing on , I will introduce a piece of terminology of my own and call central-system thinking ‘ cognisance ’ , a term chosen so as to give the flavour of knowledge , rationality , and accessibility to consciousness .
7 Most psychologists accept that cognitive processes , and therefore ‘ mind ’ — although this is a term not widely used in the brain sciences - encompass both conscious and unconscious activities .
8 Another said Weizenbier was a term used by ignorant Franconians ( to the north ) .
9 Between them Stavrogin and Dasha Shatov , Shatov 's sister , the girl to whom the letter is addressed , have conjured the word ‘ nurse ’ which is a term of art as metaphysical as anything in Notes from Underground and impossible to match in the other post-Siberian novels .
10 Nevertheless , long before Hirsch , C. S. Lewis wrote that many discussions about ‘ literature ’ are discussions of a nonentity ; for Lewis , literature was about as non-specific a term as ‘ talking ’ or ‘ utterance ’ .
11 MR JUSTICE WOOD , giving the majority judgment , said that Mr Cole 's submission that there must be implied into every contract of employment a term that the Secretary of State should make a payment under section 106 in the event of a redundancy and of an insolvency of the employer could not be accepted .
12 The ‘ Action Men ’ are aware that it is used as a term of abuse and often become angry when it is applied to them .
13 Frequent administrative changes ‘ created conditions for its progressive ( sic ) decline and to a kustar ’ development of communications ' ( it is interesting to note that ‘ kustar' ’ had by then followed ‘ kulak ’ as a term of abuse ) .
14 Lawyers always advise clients to limit the term of any music business agreement to as short a term as possible .
15 Most agents prefer a term of about three years , whereas bands want to work on a yearly basis .
16 ‘ Dialectic ’ is a term which he borrows from Hegel but which he uses in a very different sense to Hegel 's .
17 In fact , although there are both surreal and baroque elements in his work , Gironella prefers to call it mestizo ’ , a term which has often had negative , racist overtones but which has been acclaimed in this century , especially in Mexico , as a positive value , indeed the distinguishing feature of Mexican culture : the rich and fruitful mixture of the European with the indigenous American .
18 This legitimation in turn is related to the principle of détournement , a term which had been coined initially by the Lettrists for their neo-Dadaist practice of cannibalising pre-existent materials ( in the manner of Duchamp 's LHOOQ ) with subversive intent .
19 And so we all had a close shave once a term .
20 But it was heartened by a reference elsewhere in the legislation that GPs could exceed their drugs budgets if they had ‘ good cause ’ — a term which the BMA will interpret as patients ' needs .
21 Originally it was a term of respect denoting a godparent — as Queen Elizabeth I was the gossip at the baptism of her godson James VI , or indicating friends with a common spiritual bond .
22 The younger Dr Gysi used a term from the 1920s when he said he stood for a ‘ third path between Stalinism and capitalism ’ .
23 But Ms Maeve Sherlock , NUS president , said students could lose far more in welfare benefits than they would be able to borrow — around £523 per term for every claimant in London and up to £900 a term for mature students in the capital .
24 It proclaimed the rebirth of right-wing ideology , a term which readily entitled its new exponents to talk about their pure ‘ convictions ’ .
25 ‘ Yuppie Flu ’ is a term invented by the gutter press — the same people who dismiss Aids as a ‘ Gay Plague ’ .
26 Shortly after reading that I was fascinated to come across Hugh Seton-Watson 's account , in a book written 44 years ago , of how in Eastern Europe between the wars the word ‘ Communist ’ had become popular with the poor subjects of largely dictatorial regimes because their rulers used it as a term of abuse against ‘ ordinary men and women who have asked for reforms , protested against bureaucratic abuse , or resisted the gendarmerie in the execution of some wanton brutality . ’
27 Sometimes called the ‘ Jazz Modern ’ style , International Modern was a term coined in the United States to refer to the new architectural style of the twentieth century , which architects like Frank Lloyd Wright and Walter Gropius were creating before the First World War .
28 If one had to make a guess , it is that within another ten years or so ‘ environment ’ will have become a somewhat passé term , rather as ‘ ecological ’ has , simply because of its insufficiency as a generic description ; a term which links the preservation of rural landscapes in Europe to the fate of millions in Bangladesh obviously has problems of definition .
29 ‘ What is it , love ? ’ he asked , anxiously , falling into a term of his childhood , and she jumped .
30 As a term , ‘ Europe ’ was first used in 732 at the Battle of Tours , when the armies fighting the Saracens were no longer made up simply of Christians .
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