Example sentences of "and provide " in BNC.

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1 ACET volunteers work as part of a team and provide help in many different ways to ensure that people do n't spend time in hospital unnecessarily .
2 The church should be able to respond to these urgent needs more effectively than any other group and provide clear leadership .
3 ACET aims to be a practical resource to local churches and Christian organisations seeking to prevent new infection and provide basic community care .
4 He was originally held in Safi Prison , where he developed diabetes in 1988 , but was then transferred to Marrakech where his family lives , and so could visit him regularly and provide him with the food necessary for his diabetic diet .
5 But talent can be developed and trained and provide a sound basis for you to give of the best there is inside you .
6 That is why the post-graduate course exists — to shape intellect and enthusiasm and provide practical and professional skills .
7 It is claimed that catering colleges have failed to get to grips with the developments of technology , acknowledge its importance and provide students with a level of understanding based on the industry 's needs .
8 Strategically sited wind-breaks reduce the impact of strong winds and provide more vulnerable plants with essential shelter for a distance many times the height of the wind-break .
9 And , of course , cycling can save money and provide pleasure .
10 You will certainly play a very important part in the life of the young child and provide a valuable service for his family .
11 Occasionally , however , the insider is moved across a new boundary severe enough to create a rite of separation and provide the scope for an introspective analysis to generate something akin to a new vision .
12 And they were not mistaken , for He did provide , and provide abundantly : quails and bread , ‘ and he that gathered much had nothing over , and he that gathered little had no lack ; they gathered every man according to his eating . ’
13 It has persuaded pubs to open during the afternoon , and provide an additional beer from a different brewery , through successful lobbying of Parliament .
14 Applied with fine steel wool , the wax can darken faded wood and provide a resistant finish .
15 Use plenty of shrubs for privacy as well as a profusion of blooms , and use rustic features to create a focal point and provide useful extra height …
16 The contrary view is that a huge capital investment will have to be made soon to maintain buildings and provide equipment .
17 The wave of acquisitions has been prompted by expansionist desires among the overseas financial groups , which see opportunities to increase market share and provide themselves , in the case of the acquisition of insurance companies , with new marketing and product design arms .
18 ( 5 ) While the words ‘ adequacy of such arrangements ’ in paragraph 19 included the concept that the commercial organisation should be efficiently run and provide cover by adequately qualified doctors , their correct interpretation was adequacy in the sense of its compatability with the continuance of the basic obligations of a doctor to his patients .
19 For many ordinary Colombians , the drug traffickers have become heroes who fund social programmes and provide work , in a classic beans-and-bullets strategy .
20 NIGEL LAWSON yesterday made clear his determination to keep interest rates as high as necessary to defeat inflation and provide a sound basis for continued economic prosperity .
21 Therefore it is only natural for the sponsors to indulge in a little nepotism and provide its Japanese audience with somebody they can identify with while they are enjoying a nightcap .
22 Current policy is intended to repay the national debt and also to ensure that long-term interest rates stay below short-term rates , in order to encourage the development of a corporate bond market and provide industry with lower borrowing costs .
23 This is very much what we are about in developing financial services for our cardmembers which meet their particular requirements and provide added value . ’
24 The company must be able to communicate to potential customers the way in which its product would satisfy their needs , and provide competitive value .
25 Some libertarians ( though not perhaps Mill himself ) hoped that such freedom would have consequent advantages : that it would provide a safety valve for dissent , encourage full expression of both majority and minority opinions , allow truth to drive out error , and provide some check on arbitrary misrule .
26 These pay a limited dividend and provide a variety of dwellings .
27 The theme of the week was ‘ Dangerous Bands in safe Hands ’ , and this was an attempt to highlight the union 's concern that live music promoters should be aware of their responsibilities to new artists , and provide them with opportunities for live work with fair conditions and rates of pay .
28 Before the 1979 election the party took advantage of the Winter of Discontent to toughen its manifesto proposals , promising to curtail flying pickets , or picketing away from the pickets ' place of work , and provide funds for pre-strike ballots of union members and for the election of union officials .
29 In 1970 Mr Heath had established the Central Policy Review Staff to deal with the long-term strategy matters and provide briefs for the Cabinet as a whole .
30 But she has no intention of changing course now as she believes that , run as separate entities , the shops remain manageable and provide a strong incentive to succeed for the franchisees .
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