Example sentences of "and need " in BNC.

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1 I think you need a great variety of experience to build your work and need to fail as well as succeed sometimes .
2 ‘ We have 850 bedrooms and need a number of staff to deal with calls coming in and out , ’ he said .
3 But he emphasises that chilled and frozen pastas are different from dried pastas and need different sauces .
4 For example , the gorgeous blue poppies , though by no means lime-haters , will always colour better in acid conditions and need soil which has been enriched with leaf mould and retains its moisture .
5 These grow naturally as a single , vertical stem and need absolutely no pruning .
6 M9 is slightly more vigorous ; trees will reach about 8ft , and need good soil .
7 Strawberry plants deteriorate after three years of cropping and need re-siting .
8 If you are elderly and need minor works done to assist you to stay in your home , or to live with a relative , the Environmental Health Department have grants for Assistance with Minor Works to Dwellings .
9 Typically stereotyped as being ‘ absent-minded ’ cartoon types , intellectuals and academics are considered to inhabit ivory towers and need protection in their naïvety .
10 But out of love brought ice-age chill , endless snow wastes where wind tossed smoky columns of snow eighty foot high ; from these mists lumbered a gallery of primitive animals , blood lust and need raging like her soul .
11 Insteps frequently smash into elbows and need bandaging , but they can be protected by shin or instep pads .
12 If we were to wind up the POWs fund and pay out the money once and for all to all POWs that we could find , we could run into severe problems in the next 10 to 15 years as these chaps get very old and need help even more .
13 In any case , we have only 18 matches live and need to have some week-by-week continuity , building towards the climax .
14 Larry Whitty , the party 's general secretary , admitted Labour 's current procedures were ‘ unsatisfactory , unfair , archaic and need changing ’ .
15 ‘ Current conference procedures are unsatisfactory , unfair , archaic and need changing . ’
16 His job is like that of a matador brought on to pitch final one or two innings when Oakland have the lead and need to kill off any opposition rally .
17 Thus , for example , gougers are gougers and need to be watched wherever they are .
18 Rather , the tradition includes and is aware of its primitive origins : this reminds the tradition of its vulnerability and need to look for higher guidance , while keeping it aware of crude root emotions which can not be avoided .
19 Advice on time-zone transitions depends very much upon the kind of journey being made , so we consider the following possibilities : • A flight crossing only a few ( one or two ) time zones ; • A flight crossing several time zones , ( to the west or east ) and when the stop-over , before returning home , is short ; • A flight crossing several time zones to the west where there is sufficient time and need for adjustment to the new time zone ; • A flight as in the last example , but to the east .
20 ‘ Overwintered dormant pelargoniums ( geraniums ) will be ready to break into new growth and need attention now if they are to develop into sturdy , compact plants for summer display on the balcony or patio .
21 Those vaccines have to transported to some of the most remote parts of the world and need to be kept constantly refrigerated , even in tropical heat .
22 ‘ I could empty out this whole ward and fill it before evening with four new patients — four I could help , Jack ; four that need help and need it now . ’
23 PRESIDENT Bush last night pledged that US military forces ‘ will remain in Europe as long as our friends want and need us ’ , no matter how great the changes in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union .
24 They have a unique flavour and need only to be used sparingly to enliven the dullest of dishes .
25 Any scheme that gives money directly to farmers is indeed bound to be more leak-prone , and need more bureaucrats , than a rigged-price system .
26 All programs have bugs , and need endless refinement .
27 As Mr Cameron puts it , ‘ At the very time when most people want and need mobility — during the morning and evening peak periods — the system actually carries fewer of them than it does at various off-peak times . ’
28 Whatever the form of ownership — and there is plenty of room and need for experiment — the aim is the same : to bridge the gap between ownership and control that has grown ever since companies ceased to be run by proprietors in the first half of this century .
29 We 're planning a special feature on holidaying with your dog , and need your help .
30 The big food chains are now showing more interest in buying British , he says but are operating in a competitive environment and need to define their margins and their supply lines .
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