Example sentences of "the 10 " in BNC.

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1 In Canada it came to be known as ‘ The 10 Lost Years ’ , which were devastating for those on the prairies and very difficult for those in the cities .
2 According to Jewish calculation , the year of Leonard 's birth was 5694 , in the month of Tishri ( the biblical name is Ethanim ) , which is the first month of the religious year with several of the most important religious festivals in it : New Year 's Day itself ; the 10 Days of Penitence prior to Yom Kippur ( the Day of Atonement ) ; and the pilgrimage festival known as Succoth , also known as the Feast of Booths ( or Tabernacles or Ingathering ) which is a harvest festival , an especially colourful and joyous one traditionally , in which the priestly activities in the Temple climaxed .
3 All you have to do is study the picture printed on the Entry Form , circle the 10 deliberate d-i-y mistakes it contains , and locate the hidden bottle of Guinness Original , which you should also highlight with a circle .
4 The 10 winners will see dramatic displays by working dogs from all walks of life .
5 Washington 's stance seems sure to complicate the United Airlines buyout , which was to close a few days after the 10 October deadline set by Mr Skinner for information on BA 's involvement .
6 Sir : On Saturday you published an advertisement for the 10 extra pages of news and features that you , The Independent , will carry from 2 October .
7 The cabinet session — billed , like many before , as ‘ crucial ’ — is to discuss the 10 points submitted by President Mubarak to clarify Israel 's initiative for elections in the occupied territories .
8 BAT distortion : Seven out of the 10 leading merchant banks in the Acquistions Monthly league table of corporate finance activity were involved in the Hoylake bid for BAT Industries .
9 The flag-draped coffin of Musician Richard ‘ Taff ’ Jones , 27 , one of the 10 Royal Marines bandsmen killed by IRA bombers at Deal , Kent , being carried from the barracks church , St Michael and All Angels , after a joint funeral service for him and Musician Bob Simmonds , 34 .
10 The 10 per cent or so of the population which votes for Sinn Fein appears to approve of , or at least to tolerate readily , the IRA 's attempts to kill soldiers and policemen .
11 The first of the 10 special East German Reichsbahn trains finally left Prague at 5.30 local time , almost 24 hours late , reflecting the difficulties encountered by the East Germans in clearing the tracks .
12 The composition of any Palestinian delegation remains one of two crucial issues at the heart of Likud 's opposition to the 10 points put forward by President Mubarak of Egypt and devised as clarifications of Israel 's own initiative .
13 Reminded that he would be going back as one of the 10 per cent , ‘ Jacki ’ let go one of the handsome smiles which have made him so popular , but he qualified that by underlining the discomfort he might feel in that situation .
14 One of the 10 said initial investor response was ‘ fairly positive ’ .
15 They were prepared for an unyielding defence of their two flocks of 10,000 battery hens against the Ministry of Agriculture and the 10 burly ex-miners who form the ministry 's chicken-killing squad , ever-ready to wring a feathered neck .
16 Pentagon hardliners , who have opposed a chemical weapons ban on the grounds that it could not be verified adequately , suggested the idea of seeking continued production of the new ‘ binary ’ weapons during the 10 years it would take to eliminate all arsenals .
17 City analysts are convinced that the Government will price shares extremely favourably to ensure success , with the average dividend yield among the 10 authorities a little under 8 per cent .
18 STOCK broking analysts are about to start making choices about which of the 10 water authorities being floated in early December are worth investing in .
19 The Labour Party recently publicised a series of financial projections for nine of the 10 authorities that not even the prospectuses will contain .
20 If it does n't , the institutions should be prepared to exercise their power and veto the 10 in one package they are being bullied into .
21 The symbol of each of the 10 contesting parties is printed on ballot papers for the illiterate voters who account for 60 per cent of the electorate .
22 Now they hope to contain the basic costs of providing coverage of most of the 10 sports to £1.4 million .
23 There was disappointment , however , as it became clear that none of the 10 water companies are likely to get into the FTSE index of the hundred biggest companies .
24 Amid outcry from opposition politicians , ministers yesterday priced water shares in the 10 companies at 240p apiece , valuing the industry at £5.24 billion .
25 Together with the lower than expected flotation price , the 10 companies have been given an attractive yield averaging as much as 8.55 per cent .
26 Amid outcry from opposition politicians , ministers yesterday priced water shares in the 10 companies at 240p apiece , valuing the industry at £5.24 billion .
27 Together with the lower than expected flotation price , the 10 companies have been given an attractive yield averaging as much as 8.55 per cent .
28 For , make no mistake , Mason landed a stream of his Sunday-best shots — round-arm right swings , full-blooded left hooks , and accurate short rights — to Wills 's chin during the 10 hard-fought rounds .
29 The debate should not be distracted from the main issue of giving ordinary people easier access to the courts and making legal aid available to the 10 million people no longer eligible for it , he said .
30 ENGLAND 's players endured a nine-hour delay on their overnight trip back from Pakistan on Saturday , but it proved no handicap to the 10 who played in the Nationwide Anglia English Cup , yesterday .
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