Example sentences of "the further " in BNC.

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1 The Irish people are defined primarily by their allegiance to the present restricted or future enlarged republic , but it is popularly understood that they will normally have the further characteristics of Gaelic Irishness .
2 However , it is the further legitimation given to a particular socio-ethical form of political religion in the constitution and to the implied authority of religious intellectuals in deciding in concreto what must be taken by the state as in the interests of the common good which gives to conflict in Ireland between the two alliances its political religious dimension in the sphere of law .
3 This may lead to the destruction of further historic pubs which are considered redundant ; conversely , this may well lead to the further restoration and conservation of the best historic sites .
4 For those who go on to read postgraduate studies , there is the further problem of publishing any research findings .
5 James nodded to him as though for confirmation and then said loudly , ‘ Let us go to the Castle — ’ He became aware that the further reaches of the crowd were out of hearing and shouted at the top of his voice , ‘ Let us go — along to the Castle — and let us see — what John Menzies — will do about the Act ! ’
6 The further division of Railfreight into five subsectors , namely Coal , Construction , Petroleum , Metals and Distribution , has exposed the strengths and weaknesses of individual traffic flows and kept the degree of cross-subsidy within the sector to a minimum .
7 Aficionados of the prose of Victor Saunders , who won the Boardman-Tasker award for his book Elusive Summits , will be able to follow the further adventures of Slipper Vic , Fowler — the climbing tax collector — and friends on their expedition to climb Ultar , the highest unclimbed peak in the Karakoram .
8 The nurse trope , I admit , shares America 's power to open human doors the further side of whimsicality , but that is because the suicide letter has only one foot in the completely flat uncomic abstract world of negation talk .
9 There is the further consideration that universities may not indefinitely be secure havens for literary criticism , in the cold economic climate and rampant anti-intellectualism of Thatcherite Britain , and of many other parts of the world .
10 Which would raise the further question whether this way , as practised by Olson , and by Williams in Paterson , is n't so unlike the ways of poetry as we have known it that to call their works ‘ poems ’ does n't merely confuse the whole issue .
11 It was immediately assumed that Robson , who had missed England 's 0-0 draw in Sweden last month because of bruised ribs , would again be absent when his country strove to acquire the further point they need in Poland to ensure qualification for the World Cup finals next summer .
12 With a burgeoning caseload , too few judges , and increasing delays the courts may be tempted to block the further development of the law and to cut back on the advances already made .
13 It opens the possibility , if there are repetitions , of the further denuding of European competition ; five former champions of the continent — Liverpool , Aston Villa , Nottingham Forest , Manchester United and Ajax — are now banned .
14 Erich Honecker , the country 's 77-year-old leader , continued only to talk of the need for ‘ the further development of socialism ’ , in his speech in the Palace of the Republic .
15 It is reinforced by the further recognition that what is now valid may well not be in the future , and that some people see earlier than others when changes in accepted opinions and values are needed .
16 Otto Reinhold , an East German ideologue , reinforced this gloomy view by insisting : ‘ We do not want reform for reform 's sake , but changes which will help the further development of socialism ’ .
17 Even at the height of NEP prosperity in 1926 , considerable resistance to central patterns and instructions was to linger on the further one got away from Moscow down through all the provincial levels , but in 1922 strong fears of such resistance provoked a siege psychology among those party officials located nearest to the grass roots .
18 If one asks the further question , were the King 's actions wise ? , one 's answer is likely to be all too heavily conditioned by hindsight , by the views one takes of the later politics of the 1930s , of the restoration of a two-party system , and of the decline of the Liberal Party .
19 He was her first man , her father , as she faced for London and the further opening of her life .
20 This defence of Marxism carries over , however , to a critique of Modernism itself : not merely for the fact that Nietzsche attaches ‘ importance ’ to art but for the further claim ascribed to him , and therefore to Modernism itself , that ‘ the nature of aesthetic experience contains in nuce the form of understanding proper to the world itself ( p. 66 ) .
21 If necessary use a metal bar to increase the leverage , then repeat for the further tap .
22 Sir Leon said there was no need for the United Kingdom to wait for its inflation rate to reach the European average before joining the exchange rate mechanism , nor to hold back until the further removal of capital and exchange controls next summer .
23 But now there is the further possibility that the two watertight military compartments will be breached .
24 ‘ To the 40,000 or so employees , the further 50,000 employed by their distributors , and some tens of thousands more employed by their suppliers I would say that I am delighted that Rover is part of British Aerospace . ’
25 The Government alone could not provide the money for the further increase in student numbers it wanted .
26 Hi-Tech , which has told the court it is willing to collect the £100-per-decoder viewing fee because it does not wish to ‘ kill the goose that lays the golden egg ’ is now restricted to fulfilling its existing orders for decoders pending the further hearing in the New Year .
27 It is certainly not a very edifying tale , but it is small fry compared with the massacre in Romania last weekend at Timisoara , and the further shootings reported to have taken place in Bucharest yesterday .
28 He might have rejected Malebranche 's extension of the arguments about relativity of perception from secondary to primary qualities ; he might have rejected the further conclusions Bayle said should be drawn from them .
29 Some link with the doctrine of the matrimonial offence has been retained by the further provision that the court may not decide that a marriage has broken down irretrievably unless the petitioner can establish one or more of the five following circumstances :
30 If the prior mortgage was made expressly to secure a current account or other further advances , and further advances are made by the prior mortgagee , he can hold the land as security for both the original loan and the further advances , unless he had notice of a subsequent mortgage — registration ( except in certain special cases ) is not equivalent to notice .
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