Example sentences of "the door " in BNC.

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1 At the start of the book there are false notes , those of a Hemingway war correspondent : ‘ Every knock at the door could mean the end for me .
2 Here a single actor plays an imprisoned man , and performs in silence , and the scene culminates in an emotional breakdown where the prisoner beats on the door of his cell .
3 Two days later in what was a completely strange country I found myself doing this audition piece and I can remember very clearly sitting in the antechamber afterwards and the registrar popping her head round the door and saying balefully to a group of us sitting there , ‘ Sorry , none of you ’ .
4 C'm on you , he said , and held the door open for him .
5 When I got back I sat in front of the big glass with the door shut and the lights off , till dawn .
6 At the door , one more joke , rather good .
7 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , tearing the sheet in his hurry to turn over the page , I know you never reply to letters and refuse to answer the door or the phone .
8 Good to lock the door and settle down with it .
9 I thanked him and tore up the prescription at the door .
10 She stood at the door and stared .
11 Yesterday he rang the bell for a long time but no point in opening the door .
12 I crept to the door and , with a sudden movement , opened it wide .
13 When he had done I followed him out of the room and shut the door .
14 I held the door open for him .
15 I shut the door behind him and locked it .
16 Too often , though , myth and reality part company outside the door , behind the roses and the last flailing morris dancer .
17 She made her way , still seemingly dancing to the tune , the huge crocodile-skin handbag on her arm swaying heavily in time , to the door down to the saloon .
18 Sergeant Bramble was so engrossed in mouthing along with the Daily Express that he did not notice the opening of the door .
19 But before Bramble could answer , the door opened and another stranger entered .
20 Saying which he passed jauntily from their ken , shutting the door behind him with a flourish .
21 Be sure and tap the door , else you 'll catch 'er in 'er desserbil .
22 The door of No. 1 , where his wife Cissy Salt dressed , was ajar .
23 The door of No. 4 was open , the room empty ; No. 3 , the room his mother shared with Bunty Baird , was shut , and as he came to it he heard a sharp crack , a yelp and Bunty 's voice ‘ Oh shog off , you silly old fool , beat it ! ’
24 As he hesitated the door opened and Gilbert Forbes came out in a rush , his make-up smudged on one side of his face , his toupee not quite straight .
25 He glared at Conroy without seeing him and charged back into No. 4 , slamming the door .
26 The door banged open .
27 Marion Conroy was on stage until the final curtain calls and came up the stairs with the rest of the cast afterwards , observing as she did that Pepper went into his No. 2 and shut the door but that Cissy opened it and went in after him , the wide-eyed babyish stare that was the caricaturists ' joy quite absent .
28 The door flew open and Bunty danced in .
29 He grabbed my elbow and dragged me to the door .
30 What did she have to cry about , I thought as I stumbled through the door .
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