Example sentences of "the names " in BNC.

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1 They had copied out the names and addresses of everyone who wrote to them and enclosed the list with a message of thanks and good wishes , asking that it be sent on .
2 A word of caution is in order , though , about the names of exhibiting groups .
3 And the names are as follows : Linear perspective , the perspective of colour , the perspective of disappearance .
4 The second half of this can be seen to coincide with the opinion of Chatterton which is expressed by Ackroyd 's Wilde : ‘ a strange , slight boy who was so prodigal of his genius that he attached the names of others to it . ’
5 In 1985 , Rome declined to follow the convention of choosing the new archbishop of Dublin from the names submitted by the clergy and notables of the diocese , and imposed a known conservative and former president of Maynooth College , Dr Kevin MacNamara .
6 When I can not even remember the names of the women I slept with ?
7 Pump clips often bear the names of 60 , 70 , 80 and occasionally 90 shilling .
8 We 'll read out the names of the chosen testers on the programme on Saturday September 21 .
9 Motability can provide the names of professional organisations who can assess the needs of the disabled person and advise them whether or not they are capable of driving and what sort of car and adaptations they might need .
10 Later on , however , the names of those who had graduated in the social sciences and especially sociology were greeted with hissing disparagement and barely concealed denigration .
11 Our lists contained the names of the family ‘ prigs ’ we knew were professional thieves and burglars ; and of whom I was advised on my arrival in the department by an old detective : ‘ you only get one chance a year to nail these bastards if you are lucky , so when you do , its got to be watertight ’ .
12 He had brought out his lists , four sheets , and had got them half fixed to the door when Allan knocked him aside and tore them down and then spent an hour , with James 's help , going down the names and telling the young men to their faces whether or not they were listed .
13 They had not crushed the ashes in the hearth , the ink would still show up the names , if that sheriff had thought to look !
14 For Purdy 's benefit she dropped the names of her most prestigious clients .
15 Learning to decipher the names of the stations .
16 Taking out a note pad from his pocket he drew a map , writing down the names of the roads and the turnings to take .
17 Over the centuries carving has built up a range of chisels and gouges , the names of which are as esoteric as the craft itself
18 It is hardly surprising that there is confusion over the names and numbers which describe the shapes .
19 regularly validating lists to ensure that they do not contain the names of patients no longer requiring treatment ;
20 The names of four choreographers immediately stand out .
21 It has become common form to invoke the magic names of the French theorists , as if the names alone would cause a torpid academic establishment to collapse .
22 But it is another matter to use these ideas , or rather the names of their originators , primarily as weapons against an insular establishment .
23 It is sufficient to invoke the names of Lukàcs , Benjamin , Goldmann , and , with reservations , Raymond Williams .
24 Thus in a letter to his father of 3 June 1913 , all the names are of people who figure in Mrs Lowndes 's memoirs :
25 The names of Robert Graves , W.H. Auden , and Christopher Isherwood may serve to remind us of English writers who seem to have reached the same dismaying conclusion over the years since .
26 Another letter is being sent to every club president , but suggestions that the SRU should make public the names of offenders and their sentences have been rejected .
27 The allegation was made to a Belfast newspaper by an individual who showed a journalist documents containing the names of 233 people .
28 Egerton name change : Egerton Trust , the housebuilder and property developer , has changed the names of six of its subsidiaries to Egerton to reflect the exposure of the group .
29 He also plans to take out full-page newspaper advertisements , listing the names and telephone numbers of all the members of the Knesset who opposed repealing the law .
30 The names and addresses of senior judges in the Irish Republic , together with a document which purports to come from the office of the Chief of Staff of the Irish Army , surfaced yesterday as the latest in the series of security leaks , writes David McKittrick .
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