Example sentences of "the boys " in BNC.

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1 The boys barricaded the gates and mounted the city walls , a move probably as much a result of a popular rebellion against Lundy 's action as a defiant gesture .
2 Civil servant who cut up the boys he lured back to his house , burned the pieces , buried them .
3 I had no experience of teaching art to anyone , but the headmaster assured me that it simply involved giving the boys some paints to play with and then telling them to get on with it .
4 Art classes were seen as ‘ free ’ periods by the boys and any suggestion of serious work was unwelcome .
5 The boys all liked him , too — and some of them resented being placed under my care because of the fun they knew they could be having next door .
6 The boys had now decided on a nickname for me : Mona , after Leonardo 's Mona Lisa .
7 I simply could not understand the boys ' sense of humour .
8 ‘ Speech ! ’ one of the boys shouted , and we all laughed .
9 Behind me , the boys collected up their things and quietly left the room .
10 Oh , I did my homework , while you were screaming along with the boys !
11 When the boys saw him , they ran towards him , calling out shrilly ‘ Up the Duke ! ’ he swung his sceptre at them and they ducked , shrieking .
12 They saw the sense of the plan and agreed to find refuges for the boys in the thick forest between Bolfracks and Kenmore .
13 He and his brother are going to organize the soundest folk among their cousins and get the word to the boys on the other side from Pitnacree up to Cluny .
14 Even though the boys and girls are figments of Robbins ' imagination , their brief encounter is based in reality even to the introduction of popular dance steps and stylistic elements current during the 1939–45 war .
15 The boys asked if we could pay them some ‘ small money ’ to buy pens for schools .
16 After thanking the chief , we continued up the mountain with the boys leading the way .
17 As we sat on the top , recovering from the steep walk and admiring the view down into the valley and out to the plains beyond , the boys produced a rather crushed packet of cigarettes and all four of them puffed away merrily .
18 ‘ Any damn fool … could think of questions ; it was answers that separated the men from the boys . ’
19 You could never , as she said , pretend to be one of the boys in a skirt .
20 By the age of seven , more than half the boys and nearly a third of the girls were being hit at least once a week .
21 On this day : Peterborough Cathedral was consecrated , 1238 ; Miles Coverdale 's translation of the Bible was published , 1535 ; William Smith founded the Boys Brigade , Glasgow 1883 ; the first public escalator was opened , Earl 's Court underground station 1911 ; Hitler and Mussolini met at the Brenner Pass , 1940 ; the USSR launched Sputnik 1 , the world 's first artificial satellite , 1957 ; the first transatlantic passenger jet service started operating , 1958 ; USSR 's Lunik III , took the first close-up pictures of the moon , 1959 ; Pope Paul VI visited New York , the first pope to visit America , 1965 .
22 The boys of Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School — four wins in four matches — are catching on to it .
23 ‘ Lew was a very communicative chap , who liked to discuss the musical arrangements with the boys in the band , ’ he remembered .
24 Logic dictates that the Boys in Green will accompany the Spaniards to Italy next summer .
25 Will Bryan Robson , Roy Aitken and the boys come down the catwalk in gathered sleeves , button-down collars , funny geometric patches of colour , or even power-dressing shoulder pads ?
26 I do n't mind you at all , but the boys they 'd be suspicious of anyone who 's not a member of the police force , and that 's how people will see you : you 're not a member of the force ’ ( FN 23/10/87 , p. 20 ) .
27 Constables have a definite view about the style of authority they prefer in officers , which is summed up well by the remark that they need to be ‘ one of the boys ’ : that is , they should not stand on ceremony and overtly assert their authority .
28 I was talking to the boys [ members of the RUC ] and one says to me , ‘ When do you start work , later on ? ’
29 Without thinking twice about it , and without a single shudder , I began to drill the boys in military exercises and manoeuvres .
30 The change of behaviour in the boys was very marked .
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