Example sentences of "been aware " in BNC.

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1 Brewers have been aware of this issue for centuries and have developed the practice of adding ‘ copper ’ hops early in the boil to provide bitterness and ‘ aroma ’ or ‘ late ’ hops towards the end of the boil for flavour .
2 Chief Superintendent Ken Mackay , in charge of the operation , said police had been aware of the large number of City supporters planning to arrive from Friday .
3 General Noriega went on television to say he had been aware of the rebels ' plans for about three weeks .
4 He recalls how , seeing England from his own urban American background he has always been aware that the natural habitat of the Englishman was the little rural community and that industrial and large towns were accepted with reluctance .
5 Though the authorities do not seem to have been aware of the scale and significance of capital flows within the sterling area , they were aware that the exchange controls in that area were not all that London hoped .
6 Having been aware of only detrimental media coverage of Prince Charles , I was heartened to read your profile in the January issue , which concentrated on his varied contribution to British life , especially his involvement with the conservation of the countryside .
7 The report — which has taken more than a year to prepare in one of the most complex inquiries undertaken by Sir Anthony 's office — will address the question of when the department first became negligent if it is shown to have been aware of the possible difficulties .
8 Mikhail Budyko , the most revered figure of Soviet climatology , has never been noted as a cold war warrior , but he has always been aware of the limitations imposed on the Soviet Union by its climate .
9 I was just as mystified , but then , I could n't explain how I 'd been aware of her presence on our previous visit .
10 If their argument is worth tuppence it means that the people in the Markets area must have been aware of the inscriptions … before they in fact took the steps they did .
11 As Ari and Nathan went through the shop , Roirbak remembered with mixed feelings that Zambia and Tammuz might still be in there , and then wondered if some evil part of him had been aware of that all along .
12 ‘ It was n't a discovery exactly , because it 's something humanity has been aware of in metaphor and myth since … well , forever , I guess .
13 Before he slipped into sleep had he not been aware of another kind of light , too luminous for words , the radiance of an undefined , perhaps indefinable force , spirit or presence which was greater than or beyond himself ?
14 Other recent prime ministers had been aware of the shortcomings of policy advice from Whitehall , but none had acquired the almost visceral distrust which characterized some of the early Thatcher advisers .
15 My sister always had her own trendy style ; ever since we were little I 've been aware that she was prettier than me , but she is unassuming and unaware of it .
16 Rozanov had not seen the man , in any form , nor had he been aware of speaking those words .
17 He said he had been aware of the consequences when he picked Mr Jackson a few weeks ago .
18 As a member of the Scottish side that qualified for the 1986 World Cup , he would also have been aware that it was a heart attack that claimed Jock Stein 's life at Cardiff in September 1985 .
19 Few will previously have been aware that it started out leaning the other way , then righted itself , and — after a 100-year gap when the money ran out — went into reverse .
20 ‘ I had been aware , ’ Jaffray says , ‘ that there were more people with potential for ballet than ever considered entering a ballet class . ’
21 What is know of Gordon Thomas — all to little — makes this unlikely since he was an ambitious man with a strong personality who would certainly have been aware of the advantages of publicity both for himself and the lift .
22 It is certain that the Leapors would have been aware of the changes going on around them , especially since Philip Leapor would have been hired for landscaping projects .
23 Franca was touched that he remembered , that he had been aware .
24 Mary , who now combines her psychology practice with astrological counselling , said : ‘ As a psychologist , for a long time I had been aware of a lack , that this science did not give the whole of the picture .
25 He has always been aware of his spiritual nature : ‘ When I was seven I was visited by 40 judged — beings of light — who spoke to me about my role here .
26 The nation has always been aware of its pre-eminent position , and proud of a moral ascendancy in the political sphere which has been sustained for centuries .
27 We now know that major eruptions are commonly preceded by seismic activity , and these shocks would have provided ample warning of the forthcoming eruption , had anyone been aware of their significance .
28 All this head of steam must have been boiling up at the time of JTR 's visit and yet he seems not to have been aware of it .
29 Having always been aware of the Cathedral I 've often wondered what impact it has on visitors seeing it for the first time .
30 The latter have also been aware of a closer and more detailed interest in how they use resources and efficiency : ‘ cost-improvement ’ programmes have been introduced and performance scrutinised .
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