Example sentences of "been free " in BNC.

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1 Paris House — the restaurant — in Woburn , Bedfordshire , has been rather slack at lunchtimes lately , so owner of both , chef-proprietor Peter Chandler , has been free to visit the races and witness his horse 's success .
2 The time they shared became special now , where before they had been free and easy .
3 But whenever she 'd been free to emigrate , she 'd fallen in love and put it out of the question .
4 Above all I was pleased to have assured myself an income exceeding that on which some men had written great poetry , others had done great deeds , many had been free and happy .
5 I could have been free if I were n't a coward .
6 These lakes have never been landlord lakes — the fishing has always been free for the people .
7 Confronted by her misdemeanours , as he ended 28 years in prison , Mr Mandela observed with dignity that if his wife was in trouble it was because he had not been free to take proper care of her .
8 Both Tustian and Pardoe are among the 600 farmers who are approved by the Soil Association , the largest organic farming body in Britain , whose main criterion is that certified produce must be grown on soil that has been free from artificial additives for at least two years .
9 Whatever the pressures , Gomez had been free to make his choice .
10 What was more , the couple of times I had rung my antenatal teacher for reassurance in late pregnancy after a brief stay in hospital had been free too .
11 They have generally been free to regulate their own affairs , sometimes with statutory backing , and have been specifically exempted from the scope of competition laws .
12 Additionally , if you have received treatment or advice for a medical condition during the 2 years before taking up the Hospital Income Plan , your cover for the condition commences after you have been insured for 24 months or if you are admitted to hospital for that condition during this period then as soon after the 24 months as you have been free of in-patient treatment for 12 months .
13 The league programme had not been free from the upsets that could arise from the organizational confusion of most Edwardian football clubs .
14 In addition , the service has always been free and open to all individuals .
15 A small , mountainous country with a population of under three million people , it has long been free from colonial domination .
16 Up until now there has been no uniformity of presentation of nutrition information ; a manufacturer has been free to give what information he wants in the way he chooses to express it .
17 There have been so few reading problems in the whole hundred-and-odd pages that the story has been free to come to life , you can see it all , enjoy it all : ‘ Dear Miss Blyton , I think your stories are really exciting ! ’
18 In 1981 Tony struck out on his own , repairing and making guitars in the North East , and since his move westward to Wales six years ago , he 's been free to concentrate more on building .
19 The parents and their action group had been free to talk to the press .
20 He knew that she had not enjoyed his homecoming or the renewal of a sexual life ; throughout their married life he had been at home for only a few weeks at a time , and she had been free to make her life as she chose .
21 She did n't like to own up to the fact that she now stood a little in awe of him , and she had never felt like that with either Mr Martin or his father before him because , in their own ways , they had both been free and easy .
22 ‘ But I have conquered this disease before and been free of it for two years .
23 When she was fastened to my fist people really scared her , whereas if she had been free she would have been able to take evasive action .
24 They 've both been free for years .
25 Up to now the US airwaves have been free , but there are moves to license any new frequencies that become available to the highest bidder — some argue that television should go entirely by cable to free capacity for radio communications : the US Federal Communications Commission is supporting a bill in Congress to free 200MHz of government-controlled radio frequencies for commercial use , in part through auctions ; the National Association of Broadcasters said it would support the bill if broadcast frequencies were exempt from the auctions ; McCaw Cellular Communications Inc is also a supporter of the bill .
26 Since the 1920s women have been free of the burden of high fertility which previously would have given them young children to cope with for more than two decades of their adult life .
27 A created universe , unlike one that had always existed , was one in which the Creator had been free to exercise His will in devising the laws that nature should obey .
28 When the negotiations began at Dalat it was Giap who assumed the principal role on the Vietnamese side and while , as communists , they might have accepted a smaller but communist state that could conceivably have been free of the French , it was as nationalists that the Vietminh argued their case for indissoluble national unity .
29 They would claim that elections ( hitherto ) in the Soviet Union , or in , say , El Salvador or the Philippines under President Marcos , have not been free : the people have not had a genuine choice open to them .
30 Since that day of Dirac 's discovery the dual nature of light as wave and particle has been free of paradox for those in the know .
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