Example sentences of "been behind " in BNC.

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1 I watched a world that should have been behind glass and yet I was the one who was behind glass and reality was theirs .
2 Those on the list are : Mr Sisulu , sentenced with Mr Mandela to life imprisonment in the ‘ Rivonia Trial ’ of 1964 ; four other Rivonia triallists - Raymond Mhlaba , Elias Motsoaledi , Andrew Mlangeni , Ahmed Kathrada , Wilton Mkwayi and the oldest of them all , 80-year-old Oscar Mpheta , a trade union leader who has been behind bars since 1980 , and whose whose sentence runs out next year .
3 Her husband Walter , former secretary-general of the African National Congress , has been behind bars .
4 This is what seems to have been behind the ‘ skinhead ’ or ‘ boot-boy ’ phenomenon that has been a part of football hooliganism .
5 Suggestions that the Bank of England may have been behind the operation were rejected by market professionals .
6 ‘ We 've been refusing that man a cheque book for months but he just went inside and someone from senior management , who has n't been behind a counter for years , just hands one over without a thought . ’
7 The embarrassment increased as hoards of people who had been behind us passed me with odd , pitying looks , clearly curious as to what the hell I was doing squatting down by a rock on my own some considerable distance from the summit .
8 According to contemporary writers , and repeated regularly ever since then , Piper had already gained fame as the first European to have been behind the Great Wall of China .
9 He could have been behind any of the closed doors .
10 MARK ROE might well have been behind the TV cameras at the GA European Open , but at the Lancome Trophy he was back in his rightful place — on our screens .
11 ZETA had been behind closed doors in Hangar 7 , a huge aircraft hangar , 100 m long , which is now converted into a lab .
12 He would track down the boardroom where the orders were issued , and he would declare all-out war on whichever Japcorp or state authority had been behind the singe .
13 Nonetheless , implementation independence has had a powerful effect on AI thinking about metaphysical problems , and has been behind McCarthy 's insistence that AI must be defined as the study of intelligent mechanisms independent of their implementation in machines or brains , and hence to a general denial that AI is , in any strong sense , about machines .
14 It had been the Jews , together with Prussian militarism , that had been behind the Russian Revolution .
15 I noted from Gergiev 's conducting CV that he had n't escaped the grip of the Union of Composers : the works or its secretary- general , the ogre-figure of Tikhon Khrennikov who had been behind the 1948 denunciations of Prokofiev and Shostakovich , are a fairly regular feature .
16 The chap on the Britannia stage was referring , almost certainly , to a recent threat by the IRA in Derry to kill two people who they allege to have been behind a ‘ major drugs ring ’ in the city .
17 This assumption has been behind much of the conservative reaction to the ‘ Gorbachev phenomenon ’ .
18 For example , we all know that productivity growth in the UK has been inferior to West Germany 's over the post-war decades ; that product development has been behind that of Japan ; and that over many years the rates of growth of South Korea , Italy and East Germany were higher than the United Kingdom 's .
19 Now how many of you here have been in situations where you 've been behind a pedal cyclist and you 've been tempted , I 'll not say you 've done it , but you 've been tempted to go past ?
20 The suggestion at the time that the Labour Party had been behind Profumo 's downfall was a little unfair to many members who repeatedly expressed their misgivings about the scandalous imputations , which several of them could not regard as a proper currency for a political difference .
21 Men who might have been behind the assassins .
22 It seemed he had been behind the same car for hours now — a Jaguar whose iridescent blue reminded Dexter of oil shimmering on the surface of a puddle .
23 He may also have been behind certain elements of the design .
24 But now living in South London he has n't been behind bars for ten years .
25 Because the whole neighbourhood-thanks to Gittel 's big-mouthed elder sister-knew exactly who had been behind the curse , although even the sister was too much of a prude to tell anyone the reason why . ’
26 It had been behind the purchase of some of the BCR 's rolling stock in 1867 , when the available property of the line was sold in order to try and satisfy the claims of its creditors .
27 The only body of people who have been behind the Bill have been the principals of the colleges , and what did they say ?
28 Meanwhile , Harp Lager who have been behind the new building all along , are to be congratulated on their commitment to Down Royal and also for making sure that the flagship of racing on the track , the Ulster Harp Derby , has been boosted financially as well as given a new look .
29 There was no clear indication of which group had assisted in his escape , with reports attributing a motive variously to the US Drug Enforcement Agency ( DEA ) , the left-wing December 20 ( M-20 ) guerrillas , or the Panamanian Defence Forces ( FDP ) , of which Gaitán had been a commander , and which was believed to have been behind a number of bombings since the US invasion .
30 The authorities discounted the possibility that the former East German state security police ( " Stasi " ) had been behind the attack , despite confirmation on March 26 by the federal prosecutor that the Stasi had sheltered and trained RAF members since 1978 .
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