Example sentences of "been properly " in BNC.

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1 In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the company 's affairs at 31 March 1991 and of its deficit and source and applications of funds for the year then ended and have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies ACT 1985 .
2 Pilots who are frightened or apprehensive about stalling have not been properly trained and could be a risk to themselves and their passengers if they obtain their licence without overcoming their problem .
3 As they have always been properly declared , I have assumed that goods below a certain value must be duty free .
4 The company had therefore been properly served with English proceedings by an American museum in Ohio , but since the Ohio court was the more appropriate forum for the trial of disputes between the parties , the English action would be stayed .
5 In the absence of such proof service must be deemed to have been properly effected .
6 He said a number of large economies found it difficult to commit themselves to targets which had not been properly explored and before the International Panel on Climate Change reports scientific evidence next year .
7 ‘ The BBC has always been classified as the station which tells the truth and they should make sure their research has been properly done before they publish anything else . ’
8 However the in-house system had not been properly tested and by early this year problems had started .
9 However the in-house system had not been properly tested and by early this year problems had started .
10 What really matters is the ability to recognise when the cheese has been properly stored by the retailer and when it is being offered for sale in prime condition .
11 Like farming , at a time when vines and corn grew haphazardly here and there but were not cultivated , philosophy has never been properly and methodically developed .
12 But you see , if I 'd been properly organised , none of these disasters would have happened .
13 Though the campaign scarcely gripped the imagination as the victories in the west had done — some reports hinted that the significance of the campaign had not been properly grasped , and that the victories had been unable to affect the popular mood for more than a very short time — it seemed to provide yet another example of Hitler 's strategic genius .
14 There are rare occasions when emergency meetings are necessary but such crises are nearly always avoidable if people are working well and the schedule has been properly organised .
15 I do n't think this point has been properly understood by many people who have been given the impression that the films are a kind of expensive toy , when in fact you are the first conductor in history to use film as an integral extension of your work as an interpretative artist .
16 A piece of venison , for example , had not been properly trimmed of its silverskin so that in cooking , the silverskin contracted , warping the meat which therefore cooked unevenly .
17 Labour , for example , wants next year to throw £20 million at a ‘ reading recovery scheme ’ for which there would be absolutely no need had reading been properly taught in the first place ( something which requires little in the way of ‘ resources ’ ) .
18 With regard to children 's adjustment when there is a step-parent and a non-custodial visiting parent , the research evidence is less clear and obviously the age of the child can be a crucial factor which has not yet been properly researched .
19 What had happened , it later emerged , was that British Nuclear Fuels had accidentally released a quantity of a contaminated solvent called Purex into the sea before it had been properly treated .
20 Been properly carved up , he had …
21 Sulphur hexafluoride , which normally filled the tower as an insulator , should have been removed beforehand but they mistakenly began work before the tower had been properly vented .
22 All the alternatives have not been properly considered , and must be before the Institute is committed to an enterprise of this magnitude .
23 There are still many buildings that are not listed simply because they have not yet been properly surveyed , or have somehow slipped through the net .
24 The Tribunal is thus limited to determining whether a warrant to intercept has been properly issued under the Act , that is to say , that there are adequate grounds for the issuing of a warrant and that the statutory procedures have been complied with .
25 The future may be seen narrowly in terms of what will happen to the children when they move out of this class , or this school , to the next stage ; but ultimately whether or not they have been properly educated will be judged in terms of what happens to them later , when they have left school .
26 But the main reason why interviews prove ineffective is that the interviewer has not been properly trained and has not prepared thoroughly for the task .
27 Instruments needed had not been properly sterilised .
28 Hamilton played well , Palace won 2–1 and his claim for a first team place had been properly and completely justified .
29 Although government agencies and industry use this test routinely , says Salsburg , its actual ability to detect carcinogens has never been properly confirmed .
30 The castle had not been properly maintained for many years and after the auction it was allowed to crumble .
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