Example sentences of "been run " in BNC.

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1 The organisers of the courses , which have been run in 60 villages across 20 counties , often find they have to overcome opposition within the village first .
2 Since their mother 's death it had been run by Maggie , with bits of help from Mona and Sheila .
3 Courses have been run continually since 1812 in this part of the Academy , and with its impressive frontage , parade square and greensward leading down to the lake , it dominates the grounds .
4 The report lists ‘ many faults ’ inherent in the way the railway had been run for several years .
5 Both Germanys have been run in the name of the people — the GDR as a ‘ socialist democracy ’ , governed by the dictatorship of the proletariat , and the Federal Republic on the stated principle that ‘ all authority emanates from the people ’ .
6 The Labour leadership is keen to separate the issues of one member , one vote and the controversy surrounding the reselection in Birkenhead which has been run under the local electoral college rules approved by the party conference .
7 Its $25m reserve fund had been run down to around $8m after auditors , following a takeover of Heritage in October , found $13m missing from Heritage 's tills .
8 Lambeth — whose leader , Joan Twelves , resigned this week — has been run notoriously badly by a Labour-controlled council and is almost a byword for filth and incompetence .
9 There is much criticism of the way foreign policy has been run .
10 More recently , the state has been run by the Communist Party of India and its allies ; and , unlike communists elsewhere , they retain power through free elections .
11 A stock judging team from the north-west area won the British Holstein Society 's Royal Show contest for the seventh time in the nine years during which these competitions have been run .
12 The Central Policy Review Staff , or ‘ Think Tank ’ , which had been run by the polymath Lord Rothschild to supply Edward Heath with independent ideas and inject new life into strategic thought , was an early casualty .
13 Up to now it has been run as a cost centre rather than a profit maker , but the Broadcasting Act specified change .
14 This time the campaign has been run differently .
15 IT MIGHT be fair to assume that the people who made the posters for both Labour and the Conservatives would be experts on the way the campaign has been run .
16 When I 'm running , I feel like I am a machine , like a new car that has been run in well .
17 This might have resulted from their experience of two courses that had been run successfully during those hours .
18 From London to Glasgow , from Cardiff to Newcastle , historic buildings have been restored and areas which had been run down have been transformed .
19 It made its first journey in 1883 but by the 1960s had been run down to an ordinary train .
20 This country really since the sixteenth century has basically been run by five or six people .
21 Backs of less experience than McCracken and Whitson would have been run off their legs long before this pair showed signs of flagging . ’
22 The narrator , returning to the box shortly afterwards , finds that the signalman has been run over by a train .
23 It is an asymmetric measure , just like d : the slope depends on which variable is treated as the response variable , just as d depends on which way the percentages have been run ; exercise 10.2 has been set to illustrate this .
24 Most of them had no English and those that did could not possibly cope with the linguistic circles that no doubt would have been run round them .
25 While you were missing , I had to deal with a dog that had been run over . ’
26 Council houses were sold and buses ‘ deregulated ’ ( although the housing association sector seems set to expand dramatically in the 1990s ) , but the bulk of existing public housing remained in council hands , and public transport has always been run on a semi-market basis , with the charging of fares coupled with separately identified public subsidy .
27 The whole Gdynia venture was only possible because of massive government preference , and there is little doubt that the port could not have been run indefinitely at such favourable rates .
28 In the late nineteenth century , debts had been run up due to the club moving premises twice , plus a falling-off of spectators .
29 THE Horndean Meals on Wheels has been run magnificently by Jean Pinsent for the last seven years — and in expressing their appreciation , Petersfield WRVS tell us that she is retiring .
30 The village has one general store , an antiques shop , a garage , two public houses and a post office which was opened in 1851 and has been run by the same family since that date .
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