Example sentences of "been keeping " in BNC.

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1 But if Mr Menzies had thought of this he must have been keeping it for another Sunday .
2 ‘ While you 've been sitting on your intellectual arses alternately pitying yourselves and the so-called workers , it 's my hard work , my money that 's been keeping this country — ’ Stalking off indoors ; the door shuts .
3 But the company he has been keeping has been fascinating .
4 Mind you , I 've been keeping up the ice dance so all the canals are frozen and he ca n't get a match to fish , ’ joked Dave , who runs Midlands Angling Products .
5 Herman , whom Erika had already been keeping at a safe distance from her feet , backed away .
6 Such a lightning-spattered ending is found , for example , in Passionate Summer ( 1958 ) , where for most of the film the schoolteacher on a Caribbean Island has been keeping at bay the emotions directed towards him by a troubled pupil , the headmaster 's wife and an air hostess .
7 Our fourth child had been born 10 years previously and I do n't expect anyone believed there would be any more , but my wife and I thought we were getting too old too quickly , so we would have another two ; and on November 5 that year my wife went down to the bonfire which was already alight and saw on top of it a dropside cot she had been keeping , and which had served the four children , a relatively new carricot , and other items of that sort .
8 A lot of people started handing in pellet guns and antique muzzle-loaders they 've been keeping for years without a licence .
9 Jahsaxa swept into the tasteful reception room she 'd been keeping Roirbak and Tammuz waiting in for over half an hour .
10 They had to look only as far as France to learn how pernicious are the effects of unlocking the archives after a period when the secret police have been keeping open house .
11 One of the few senior front-benchers with experience of government , he has been keeping one eye on the national campaign , chairing almost all the party 's London campaign press conferences , and another on his marginal Copeland constituency , travelling by hired plane to Cumbria every weekend .
12 My only problem so far has been keeping track of who , exactly , in the Archives quotations is saying what .
13 But Robbie Supple had been keeping his powder dry on Very Very Ordinary and there was nothing in the least ‘ ordinary ’ about the long , relentless charge with which they mowed down the leading pair between the last two fences .
14 This week in Georgia he has been keeping a low profile , wrapped up in his own game plan , which is how he best enjoys life , it seems .
15 ‘ The man , who was known to the police , was one of the knockers they 'd been keeping an eye on .
16 I have been keeping fit with swimming .
17 As the crowd grew , pressing against the window , the Divisional Police Commissioner Rousselet , who had been keeping an eye on events , sent a policeman down with orders to have the nude painting removed from the window .
18 We were half expecting someone to arrive to investigate the deaths anyway , and we 'd been keeping Fedorov under observation for some time .
19 While , however , Admiral Hawke had been keeping a vigilant eye on Brest , Admiral Edward Boscawen had been busily patrolling off Toulon .
20 And he was glad to have an excuse to put off telling her the news that he 'd been keeping to himself .
21 The first one will keep the rope taut as you move offstage and run round the back and take over from the second helper who has been keeping the ‘ load ’ end taut .
22 John and Jenny have been keeping fish for nearly six years .
23 Old Fishfinger has been keeping fish for more than ninety years .
24 I have been keeping tropical fish for some twenty years , but for the last two months I have been cursed with a problem which I can not solve .
25 And a mouse has been keeping the cat well amused .
26 ‘ Trade has been keeping up well , ’ said GUS 's deputy chairman Richard Pugh , with the average spend of its eight million UK customers up on last year .
27 Almost pathologically resistant to remaining stationary , Normski has been keeping up his photography career , and earlier this year he staged an exhibition of his rap photos , appropriately at the Covent Garden clothes store RAP ( since closed ) .
28 for the past ten years I have been keeping vigil in a nocturnal maze , and will continue to do so until daybreak .
29 They say building societies and banks have been keeping their home loan rates too high for too long .
30 They 'd been keeping it under lights , and it seemed to be growing quite happily with one end in a pot of special plant water .
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