Example sentences of "have stand " in BNC.

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1 I think you have to stand by what you believe .
2 I get stuck in a crowd of people coming out the tube and I have to stand on tiptoe so I can keep my eye on her .
3 The less fortunate have to stand on aching pins as the carriage , unventilated ( it is impossible to fit air conditioning to tube trains as the tunnels are too small to acccommodate such devices ) , grows hot and foetid ; even the lines of Shirley Lim 's Modern Secrets up there amongst the ads- ‘ Last night I dreamt in Chinese/Eating Yankee Shredded Wheat ’ -brought to us by ‘ Poems On The Underground , ’ a ruse to make tube travel a little less stressful , can not alleviate the strap-hangers ' gloom and frustration .
4 He is made to jump it a third time , even if you have to stand there all night .
5 I said , ‘ You know I have to stand here and watch you stop breathing if we do that , and as a matter of fact , you 'll gasp for air , and you 'll be watching us , and you 'll see us go away … ’
6 You should check the rushes , bushes and tree branches , if any , behind you and establish just where you have to stand to cast without snagging when you lay the rod back .
7 On one occasion a New Bradwell man , having been unsuccessful in boarding the first two ‘ buses to Bradwell at lunch time , expostulated ‘ I 'll get a seat on the next one even if I have to stand up ’ needless to say he never lived that statement down .
8 If you have to stand for a while at work or in a queue , it would be helpful to have one leg behind the other with the feet at about 45 degrees to each other .
9 In general people prefer finger buffets anyway , because unless you have lots of seats they invariably have to stand up and most people find it terribly difficult to eat a fork buffet standing up .
10 They then have to stand still in the water with their arms out and their legs apart until one of the others playing frees them .
11 THERE are times when you have to stand up to be counted and that time is here for the British Press .
12 Unfortunately , every now and then , trouble may come and find us , no matter what we do , and then we have to stand and face it .
13 You have to stand .
14 You have to stand more or less at attention all the time when you get locked up in there .
15 It 's pitch dark and you have to stand up dead straight and if you wobble at all you get spiked either by the glass on the walls or the nails on the door .
16 The road serves the village of Barashevo and sometimes the civilians have to stand behind the lines of the guards and wait for the columns of criminals to go by before they can proceed on their way .
17 While I believe that some parts of this routine are absolutely essential , I am only too well aware that the ideas still have to stand the test of time .
18 The difference is the stress you experience when you have to stand up and address other people .
19 You have to stand there and watch , you can never make anything happen .
20 Ali is so large I have to stand on my toes to reach over and across the huge expanse of his back to slip the tie under his collar .
21 You just have to stand there .
22 That I belong to a sort of band of people who have to stand against all the rest .
23 When you have to stand by your own actions .
24 Two balconies face the tubes and plumbing mysteries of the solar heating system ; to enjoy the great views from these you have to stand , or sit on a very , very high chair .
25 ‘ I always have to stand on the bottom panel .
26 Those men have to stand that over and over again .
27 You have to stand right over those cleaners if you want the job done properly .
28 — there are far fewer letters than sounds , so that , for example , the five written vowels have to stand for two to three times as many spoken vowels ;
29 We have to stand somewhere as we decide the next step forward .
30 ‘ People like us have to stand together , ’ she says .
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