Example sentences of "an american " in BNC.

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1 Later in the 1980s an American handbook took a more comprehensive view :
2 An American work on the same lines was first published in 1926 by Helen Gardner .
3 In a different context , but also on the issue of religion , an American book on the Aztecs by the archaeologist Vaillant commented tartly :
4 Here is an American artist writing about his dismay at the work he saw at Paris in 1831 :
5 Let us join an American educationalist talking to children about their understanding of art .
6 One of the corpses was that of a local youth , the other that of an English girl , Gail Benson , who had come to the West Indies as the slavish lover of an American Negro , Hakim Jamal , ‘ God ’ to his friends , who was eventually to be shot dead in Boston .
7 It seems to have been submitted as part of his doctoral thesis by an American postgraduate student named Osbert Mint .
8 I remember an American pilot with about 200 hours , a twin-engine Commercial and full Instrument Rating who visited us some years ago .
9 Occasionally he appeared in a bomber jacket and he frequently wore a hat — when we were there it was an engaging and stylish grey and white cap , though sometimes an American baseball hat in honour of Stevie Ray Vaughan .
10 As she walked from the post office empty handed , she pretended to be an American tourist , one who could leave in a few days , one for whom the trip would soon be nothing more than a few travel stories and postcards .
11 He was collecting notes for a book of random observations , a Thackeray-like Sketchbook , called An American Journey .
12 She is more like a European or an American youngster . ’
13 In an American publication it was offered at $279 .
14 The entire railway freight business took note of Foster Yeoman 's radical decision to buy its own fleet of locomotives off the shelf from an American builder .
15 Well , it is written by an American for Americans so some of the gear and some of the terminology will be unfamiliar to British climbers , but most of it is very relevant .
16 An American expatriate offered to take the grey .
17 As nurse , Dasha 's aim would be to give Stavrogin an aim — simultaneously an underground and an American idea .
18 As an American commentator has remarked of Eagleton , ‘ You can take the boy out of Cambridge , but you ca n't take Cambridge out of the boy . ’
19 In an American context , E. D. Hirsch has remarked on a similar conflict of interest between students who want to know the basic meanings of texts , in their historical contexts , and junior academics who believe there are no basic meanings , only a multiplicity of interpretations .
20 A few years ago , as part of an annual round-up of critical books for Encounter , I reviewed an interestingly speculative work on modern fiction by an American academic .
21 It is an American , Herbert Schniedau , who has asked :
22 In 1945 , in an American prison camp near pisa , Pound remembered that ( Canto 80 ) :
23 The consummate silliness of Beerbohm 's sneer , quite apart from showing just how brittle and thin was that famous ‘ wit ’ of his , has alas a representative significance also , as we see when we put beside it Maurice Bowra , another famous ‘ wit ’ , saying of Pound that he was , not just a bore , but an American bore' .
24 ‘ Who says he is an American
25 Mr Eliot has lived abroad so long that we rarely think of him as an American and he is never written about from the point of view of his relation to other American authors .
26 The sheikh , a white-bearded man with the charisma of an American TV evangelist , is a specialist in the comparison of other faiths with Islam .
27 WELLINGTON ( AFP , AP ) — Three New Zealanders and an American given up for dead were found alive yesterday after drifting for four months on an upturned trimaran in the south Pacific .
28 Uncle Sam 's man in Madrid THE BEST way to become an American ambassador to a Western country is not to be a good diplomat , but merely to contribute hefty sums to the winning presidential candidate .
29 Low levels of vitamin C and another nutrient , beta-carotene , have been linked with abnormal smear tests , Dr Vishwa Singh , an American clinical nutritionist from New Jersey , said .
30 The bland presentation of the palaces is something which , in Ms Turton 's view , leaves them vulnerable to gross misinterpretation : ‘ If you were an American visitor you could almost think the Tower of London was built by Walt Disney .
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