Example sentences of "she once " in BNC.

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1 There she once sat in some sort of castle , or not , reading , for sure , the literature of Romanticism , and growing up to resemble — in the opinion of the writer 's aunt , the historian C. B. A. Behrens — a character out of Lermontov .
2 The epigraph is Veteris vestigia flammae from Aeneid 4 , 23 , where Dido confesses to her confidante that the love she once felt for her now dead husband is about to renew itself for Aeneas .
3 ‘ There goes all I will know of God in life , ’ she once said of him .
4 She once put a jar in the middle of the table , in the light , and said she wanted her heroine to be like that ; her novels create just such memorable images , not static , but still , like remembered paintings .
5 Indeed she once described herself as ‘ the Cabinet rebel ’ .
6 She once summed up to a gathering of marketing specialists the extent of her success , which earned The Body Shop the award of business of the year in 1987 :
7 She felt herself drowning in disease , like the fly she once found floundering in the filth of her sputum mug .
8 She herself was educated in Paris with Prince Sihanouk , and she once entertained Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon in Cambodia .
9 And she once again had the strong , peculiar feeling that was coming over her more and more often : the feeling that she had nothing in common with those two-legged creatures with a head on their shoulders and a mouth in their face .
10 Jane escaped as soon as she could and never went back , though she once saw ‘ madame ’ tango at a press party .
11 If we persist in interpreting virginity and motherhood only in a physical sense this leaves us with a problem , and she once again becomes a burden by being an impossible act to follow .
12 ‘ I know where every bone in a chicken is , ’ she once told me , licking her fingers as she removed the umpteenth .
13 Over and over she asked the questions and became so demented by them that , though she trembled with indignation , she once more went into the Casa Guidi and , controlling herself as best she could , asked to see her old mistress .
14 She once tried to draw herself at school ‘ when I was obsessed with the dark circles under my eyes .
15 A niece of the former Labour minister Douglas Jay and first cousin of Peter Jay , the former British ambassador in Washington who is now the BBC 's economics editor , her ratings went up in certain quarters when she once said of Mrs Thatcher : ‘ She is not the sort of person one would invite to dinner . ’
16 She once asked my advice on a birthday gift , so I suggested a book .
17 And loaths that Idol which she once admir 'd
18 She once again passed Drew in the street at about 5.10 and then saw him at the theatre at 6.30 , when he came into her dressing room to ask if his make-up was correct .
19 As an American commentator put it , ‘ a duchess abdicates when her son comes to his title ; she is turned out of the mansion where she once presided … ’ especially through this single-minded concentration of resources through inheritance on a principal heir that the English aristocracy were able to tighten their grip on the land .
20 She once said , ‘ We 're like two schoolboys ! ’
21 And , since you asked , she once went for a policeman with her stilettoes as he tried to bundle a black man into a car outside a dance hall on the bottom of the Tottenham Court Road ( derogatory remarks in that department were still more likely to earn a black eye than a black look in The Bar ) .
22 But when on first hearing of this arrangement I tried to inform Miss Kenton of it , she once again refused to converse with me , and in order to accomplish matters as quickly as possible I was actually obliged to write a note and put it under the door of her parlour .
23 By virtue of her fluent Hebrew she once led prayers at a Passover feast of wealthy Moroccan Jews — the only one present who could read them in the absence of a rabbi .
24 Mrs Turpin remarks to the woman next to her that she once knew a girl who had everything a child could possibly want , but was still a spoilt , ungrateful brat .
25 Luckily a feature she once did for the programme gave Christine some clothes tips which she has followed faithfully ever since .
26 You ca n't chat with someone who is senile , and when she wets herself I shout at her as much as she once shouted at me . ’
27 Not that she was afraid ; she once said that she travelled to seek out danger to ‘ silence fear ’ so that she could reach the end of her days ‘ free from that mortal weakness ’ .
28 My dear mother 's statement years ago that I deprived her of her fur coat and that I was n't much to look at — she once actually pronounced me ugly — bit deep .
29 You know more about a guy in one night in bed than you do in months of conversation , ’ she once said .
30 This has nothing directly to do with the overt sex drives of American footballers , or the claim of the early Hollywood starlet Clara Bow that she once ‘ entertained ’ the whole of the University of Southern California football team in rapid succession .
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