Example sentences of "she actually " in BNC.

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1 Was she actually there and , if so , did she actually eat any of the food ?
2 Was she actually there and , if so , did she actually eat any of the food ?
3 It was said to be Mrs Thatcher 's favourite television programme — indeed , she actually took part in a rehearsal .
4 She actually did a lot of good things — she pulled a lot of things together and did a lot of things for David .
5 When you listen to one of the rather better Kylie records , they have taken a girl who does n't really have a great voice , who is an actress , and slowly they have developed a career where she actually now has a sound which is similar to some of the girly groups in the 60 ’ s , in a totally different way .
6 She is not blind to Stead 's faults as a storyteller : indeed she actually revels in them as an indication of Stead 's generosity of vision .
7 When she left the branch she actually locked him in , using a special procedure which takes a few seconds . ’
8 It was considered so repulsive by Queen Victoria that there are suggestions she actually allowed it to be stolen .
9 Clive thought she might be a rare type of pervert who gets off on vociferously condemning all the vices she actually practises .
10 Over this , for a moment , she actually smiled .
11 She actually laughed , wincing .
12 In place of these two extremes , we need to be like Mary , Jesus ' mother , who received the word within her , so that she actually gave birth to the Word of God .
13 Because what she thought she felt was what she actually did feel and she said it , loud and clear and everyone else could go and fuck themselves .
14 They all had their pictures done and eventually over a period of about a year , she actually did a portrait of everybody in the Home .
15 Where practical skills are involved , this may take the form of observing someone perform the task ( a competent nurse in this case ) and recording in detail what she actually does .
16 The truth was , of course , that hard-nosed journalist though she was , Margie was as attracted to Hugo as was almost every other woman who met him and she actually wanted him to like her .
17 Whatever the job is , however humble or high-powered , you must make a positive effort to listen to the interviewer and answer the questions he or she actually puts to you .
18 Tonight it had been her turn to give way , but agreeing to spend an hour in the Clarence with Colin and Yvonne did n't extend to any pretence that she actually enjoyed their company .
19 She could n't remember whether she actually said the words .
20 Is she actually trying to be disagreeable or is she merely unhappy ? ’
21 Yet they may have made no effort to give her anywhere she can go to , having allocated a large bedroom to one of their small children and relegated her to the tiniest bedroom in the house , to which she can never withdraw unless she actually gets into bed .
22 ‘ I thought you would wish to know , sir , that Her Ladyship is making good progress and I should like to take her further afield to tackle typical hunting country , so that she may get plenty of practice before she actually attends a meet . ’
23 Before she actually rose to her feet , Jonadab spoke again .
24 Yet at the same time she knew that she actually was Martha — she felt like Martha deep within her and had , in fact , completely forgotten why she was being hypnotized and regressed .
25 She heard the break before she actually saw the child who had fallen at the winning end of a tug-of-war rope .
26 During the last lesson she attended — about seven months ago — she actually managed to get the round peg into its correct hole .
27 The next time she actually stopped to help him , ’ says Pedrosa , smiling in despair .
28 Any question of taking her into Penzance had to be abandoned and Harriet went off alone to do the weekly shopping , thankful to be able to leave Edna in charge of Celia and trying not to feel guilty that she actually preferred such expeditions without her daughter 's company .
29 She told me that she actually attacked Huston and hit him because of his treatment of Monty :
30 He drew breath and leaned forward and he thought she actually knew what he meant to do and was n't going to object .
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