Example sentences of "she often " in BNC.

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1 Salvation is through the Jews , she often quoted Father Franklin who baptized her , for through the Jews came the Law , through the Jews came Christ , the Son of God was born a Jew , and the Holy Mother of God was a Jew and married a Jew .
2 His room was closest to hers and she often saw him coming and going .
3 She has launched a number of Third World projects , which she often discovers during her two months abroad each year .
4 She often becomes very close to her parents , particularly her mother .
5 She must find it galling to be confused , as she often is , with Dian Fossey , the American disciple of Louis Leakey who studied gorillas in Rwanda ; her life and murder — probably by poachers — became the subject of a Hollywood film .
6 As a child at Althorp , a big and lonely place where she often had no other children for company , she would go into the kitchen to chatter to the cook and the cleaners , and even the delivery men who dropped in .
7 Too many people , pulling in various directions , mostly clinging to a percentage of her value , made her into the rag doll she often appeared on the track .
8 She often was in on Saturday .
9 She often quarrelled with him after these family occasions and threw the remains of the feast at him .
10 Dot found to her surprise that , just as she often could no longer remember what her father 's face looked like , now she could n't remember Baby 's name .
11 In her mind , she often saw herself striding towards it , through it , out into the sunshine beyond to be part of that bright , busy , civilized world where people like Simon smiled , listened , and were polite to each other .
12 She often did things and said things that made him feel loved .
13 She often eats biscuits or some kind of sweet dessert after each of her two main meals of the day .
14 She was even making her own clothes which she often paraded at public appearances in Britain and Australia .
15 The thriftiness she often boasted of was also in evidence — despite their opulent appearance the costumes cost just £3,000 .
16 When they 'd gone Dee-Dee came in , as she often did now , to drink coffee over the sorted clippings .
17 She often had to act as a buffer between father and son , especially when frustration and bitterness was felt by the younger man at the lack of delegation of responsibility , etc .
18 She 'd have a natter with him if he were , something she often did on her half-days .
19 She often drove errands for Lawler .
20 She often brought in mussels , gritty with tiny pearls , for the evening meal , or sometimes nesting birds , or a hare that ignored her approach to its form till she had her hand on it .
21 She often went to sit quietly beside the hives , in the bee-field or on the moor .
22 As Luch hurried gently about her many tasks , she often wondered how Marion would manage with just her bowl of soup from the castle .
23 Therefore , she often guides the patient by placing her hand on his chest , or both hands behind his shoulders or on his hip bones below his waist .
24 She moved , as she often did , from pure , concentrated malice , to a vaguely girlish mode , as if she was looking for someone ( not Henry ) to put his arms round her and tell her everything was all right .
25 She often wondered what happened in bed at night .
26 All of which adds up to an absorbing daily life and one in which any time that she spends on her own , when she often dwells on her sad past , is kept to a minimum .
27 My mother , who came from a staunchly ‘ church ’ family , used to express her antipathy when she often declared , ‘ He 's nothing but a chapel dodger , ’ and it 's difficult to describe the scorn that she would put into the phrase .
28 Questions were open and she often made interesting an unexpected connections which clearly stimulated and reassured the children .
29 He or she often provides refreshments , too .
30 She lived in Salford and was so poor that she often had to walk all the way to Manchester to rehearse .
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