Example sentences of "that maybe " in BNC.

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1 Thinking that maybe this man was the right man , that maybe it was him I should ask him for directions , him who would take me home or wherever it was I was trying to get to .
2 I remember thinking on the Sunday , as Ian Paisley stood outside the ground and tried to bring the wrath of God down upon us for violation of the Sabbath , that maybe he was succeeding .
3 My suggestion to Angus , while we were dishwashing after the battle , that maybe his food could have been injected somehow with a substance that even now could be working away to the detriment of everyone 's health was received by him with frosty amusement .
4 Following on from the theory of inflation as a display , it would be interesting to know if anything has ever been observed on the breeding activity of these fish , as an even more outrageous through occurs to me in that maybe the Puffer is one sex of the species exhibiting its mating display .
5 Let us say , for example , that maybe we would like to change the quality of relationships — marriage and sexual partnership as they are now established in our society .
6 ‘ I think , ’ said Masklin , ‘ that maybe they 're intelligent enough to be lonely . ’
7 Well that 's what Breeze am keep telling me when I got to work in the morning it 's about the time of recession people should advertise more not less that maybe but the hard financial situation of the theatre finds itself in is to find that sort of money is very difficult at the moment .
8 Well actually that maybe enough because if get say Terry from Waltham Abbey
9 so that 's done some work on that , and there 's now four models for training , one is the , you know , on the job , evenings , training , there 's the weekend model of getting people together for the weekend , there 's the sort of summer school idea and the other one 's the one that Doug keeps reminding me about , which I keep forgetting about which is the distance learning one , er we , I think this is the one he thinks is running in Dundee , that maybe help with because the idea of developing a pack which is kind of trainer proof
10 Yeah a single colour , ah , right , yes , well that maybe quite nice
11 That maybe the idea , but there are so many things to be done by voluntary workers if people would only say well I 've got half an hour an hour it could be so much of an advantage to whoever they 're giving their services to because we 're having to cut costs on this and costs on that an hour or two given voluntary would cover those jobs that we ca n't get the money to pay for .
12 You know , you 're sort of turning the abortion argument on it 's head , that er in an abortion you can say it 's my body , I have a right to decide , and this baby that dies is never going to be there to question that decision , but in this type of situation the baby 's going to be there and okay , you 'll get so many who will just accept their situation and wo n't question it , but you 're always going to get some , or even one who will say I want to know my origins , I want to why I was conceived this way , why I was born this way , why , I have two mothers , that maybe a surrogate mother and a natural mother ?
13 The others , and that maybe just a question of tying them up and
14 That maybe a way of remembering it .
15 And that maybe that 's the reason .
16 So I I also think that you know I 'm , I 'm quite happy to see something like that maybe dealt with in a sense as a separate issue , because it 's
17 And that you know , look at the traffic very seriously and see whether it was merited or not and that maybe greater use of the mobile .
18 It 'll only be after I 've m met a few people and photographed them well , that maybe my name will be start to be mentioned around That is another reason for courting the Trade 's Council and any other councillors that come in .
19 After that maybe , just maybe , you can start proving to me you do possess some measure of professionalism — although to be honest , ’ he added caustically , ‘ I 'm finding it hard to believe you 're capable of distinguishing between a weed and an orchid at the moment , or even digging a garden , let alone ever designing one . ’
20 And I think possibly that maybe the little bit of a problem with it , it 's a little bit too specialized .
21 That maybe they get to a certain time when they 're going to be out of touch ?
22 That maybe explains a lot , ’ I said , reaching for another cigarette .
23 but a lot of those were tiddlers , that that that maybe it maybe it 's better to use experienced investigators , and and because they can do that work so much more quickly anyway , I I do n't know , I feel a bit uncomfortable with this one year contract .
24 Erm no what coming out of this is that how that although one would assume in the south that the peasants ought to be more revolutionary , in actual fact it 's the reverse and why is this happening , is it because of the fact that the Communist Party were in the n that maybe essentially that the peasants in China er were reactionary and worked within the confines of moral economy , but because of the presence of the Communist Party in the north they became more revolutionary and that 's sort of suggested by the success of land reform there and the fact that how , that they ca n't implement it in the south .
25 erm and I think maybe that you , you jumped in should n't have done that er because obviously M Martin got quite defensive at that point you know because you were only going there to do this financial planning service and er selling them anything , you were just offering this financial planning service and then you jumped in with these , when I come back with my recommendations erm tt I also thought that erm you know it was a little bit dodgy actually to say you , well you know erm tt we have found that our records are incorrect and I thought well then that maybe and erm you went ve you went very o when you were talking about the dependants erm you , you you did n't seem to get into er erm how many children have you got and is there any other dependants , it , you , it seemed to take you a long time to actually get there .
26 Now if you 're gon na be writing in software you do n't actually look at it like that maybe and it is also a useful way to generalize these decoders .
27 and that maybe something your Lordship may wish to consider , I 'm a little bit baffled as to why my learned friend has gone for cases on interim measures , we 're not seeking interim relief , we have n't sorted interim injunction , erm to suspend the validity of any particular measure that was the basis of all of his case
28 well that maybe true , but I think it 's working off an analogy on that , turning it the other way round and saying well erm if , if I got to the stage of erm , well possibly even seeking some information from the commission , well certainly if I gave you a conclusion for example , that it should be referred , erm and I think again even if I came to the conclusion that I should neither want , er there 's no point in seeking information from the Commission , nor should I refer it , or at least refer to the stage erm what his clients would be saying should be done in the interim and what he says in effect , for the reason he 's outlined is , er that we should proceed on the basis of erm the validity of the act erm and of the byelaws
29 I 'd like the people of Cambridge city to know that we do care about the people that are in dire situations financially and that we realise we we have got a problem in housing in the city and that maybe we should be saying no matter what 's going on nationally , that locally we want to pinpoint our social housing towards those people that we feel are financially less off and in more unfortunate situations erm get ghetto creation has been mentioned and I I would n't consider council houses to be ghetto .
30 that maybe it should n't have been a we a weeks notice then .
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