Example sentences of "had to put " in BNC.

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1 I had to put the project aside for a while , he wrote , as the rent had to be paid , not to speak of alimony , school fees and the rest , and , coming back to it after a considerable period , much longer , unfortunately , than I had anticipated , and I will not even try to apologize since you gave me a completely free hand — anyway , he wrote , trying to ignore the damp spots left on the page of his pad by his sweaty hands , anyway , coming back to it after all that time I realized that it would be quite impossible in practice to separate the valuable and the worthless , the public and the private , and that , in a sense , one would have to think in terms of either publishing the whole thing exactly as it stood , or not doing it at all .
2 You 're in luck — we found a fowl this morning , and it did n't look too well , so we had to put it out of its misery . ’
3 After the hearing in the court Alison Draper , who lives near the station , said : ‘ Nearly all the people here are against the festival because of the trouble we had to put up with last year .
4 ‘ I decided that I had to put the headmaster in a position to answer and it was this problem that worried me most — more than the outrageous charges against myself and the effect on my family .
5 For the next few minutes I had to put up with Sid 's reminiscences about how much worse it had been during the campaign in North Africa .
6 So projectionists had to put a colour tint onto the screen before the first frame hit .
7 This was the origin of the myth that workers had to put their hands up to go to the lavatory .
8 Last season a referee allowed himself to be wired up for a League match at The Den to record some of the things he had to put up with from players .
9 On the other hand , however , Mr De Haan said the company had to put up with what it regarded as disadvantages of being publicly quoted .
10 Obviously he had to put it in a letter .
11 ‘ I did n't know I had to put it on the meat — ’
12 But when Geoff Hamilton handed me a chunk of Barnsdale to turn into a well-planted garden , I had to put my money where my mouth was .
13 Then , just before the final turn and with four fences to take , it looked as if Mandarin might yet run out , and Winter had to put all his strength into forcing the horse to the left , the correct side of the course marker .
14 It was a bad moment and I had to put down a swift impulse to rush to the side and throw myself over .
15 He still had to put his own words on this blank sheet in front of him .
16 And if one had to put oneself in a vulnerable situation , like rugging or grooming him , the handler had to carry a cane .
17 Paula Yates , for instance , admits in an interview in Woman magazine that she is so thin that she had to put on weight before she could become pregnant .
18 A CIA man rushed out and roared at them angrily , and they had to put the fire out .
19 Following article in the last issue on ‘ returning to work ’ felt that there was another side to the coin and felt she had to put pen to paper to balance out various viewpoints .
20 Cos we had to go you see , and you had to put your Sunday clothes on , your best coat and everything ; and then when you came back you had to take them all off again . ’
21 The other man had difficulty starting the machine and had to put a long handle in the front and turn it several times before the engine roared into life startling the children again .
22 Mrs Beattie laughed again , so hard in fact she had to put her hand over her mouth .
23 One got the impression that Mr Callaghan felt that he had to put on one side the normal practice of consulting only a small group of inner ministers on economic issues , and had to carry all the colleagues , all twenty-two , if he was to have a hope of carrying the party in the country clearly out of the crisis .
24 He said it as if books were some terrible bore which everybody had to put up with but which were n't of the slightest use .
25 When we wore braces , you 'd get a card of them … in two parts … the top part and the underneath part [ with ] a stud [ which ] you had to put in your trousers .
26 But if you were locking up or cautioning , that was different — but you had to put it in your book that you had cautioned her .
27 When you used anything , you had to put it in the Book .
28 During the greater part of the time , at the beginning , you had to put up with it because the alternative was ten bob a week unemployment .
29 All the difficulties with ‘ wet white ’ were eliminated in Birmingham where there was an obscure ruling that bare legs were banned ( this remained in force as late as the 1950s ) , so when playing there they were given cotton tights but had to put a penny at the side , wrap a piece of string round it and the tights in order to hold them up .
30 In New York they were called an hour before the show opened , and once they had done their face make-up , they only had to put on tights rather than spend a long time carefully using wet white , which gave them longer to gossip .
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