Example sentences of "they believe " in BNC.

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1 They felt that it was partly their responsibility to bring up their children in an atmosphere of knowledge and understanding of protestants , as they believed part of the difficulties of life in Ulster were caused by this lack of contact .
2 Perrier invited consumers to nominate the restaurant they believed deserved the title of Best Restaurant of the Year in late 1990 .
3 However , well-informed sources ruled out both British Aerospace and STC as buyers , saying they believed Hoare Govett was acting on behalf of normal investment clients or Middle Eastern investors with an interest in Ferranti 's future .
4 Some market men said they believed Smith was trying to support the price because the firm was already heavily exposed to Ferranti , having picked up the bulk of shares placed at 81p in July by Jim Guerin , International Signal and Control 's former chairman .
5 But other US officials said they believed the subject of the convertible rouble , and the gold standard , would arise in Moscow .
6 It helped that they believed in his faked war record and legends such as that the religious leader Gregorio Aglipay inserted a slither of wood into Marcos 's back before the Bataan campaign in 1942 , allegedly giving him magic powers .
7 Of the 82 ‘ index ’ children — those brought in by social workers or others with suspicion of abuse , or those where the paediatricians saw signs they believed consistent with abuse — 86 per cent , she says , fall into the Department of Health guidelines , issued since Cleveland , as having medical signs which should raise the question of sexual abuse .
8 The nuns have acted to prevent the slaughter of the flock because they believed that their eggs have never been associated with an outbreak of food poisoning , she added .
9 But in a recent annual survey of 150 top UK advertisers , conducted by sponsorship consultants Granard Rowland , part of Saatchis , 50 per cent of marketing directors said they believed sponsors should influence programme content .
10 But City sources said they believed that Mr Lawson might reinforce the fight against inflation without resorting to another increase in base rates , by announcing a further tightening of monetary policy in next Thursday 's Mansion House speech .
11 Mocking supporters of legalisation writing in ‘ sophisticated newspapers ’ , the minister said perhaps they believed that suppliers , unmolested by the police , would , ‘ as an act of Christian charity ’ reduce their prices so their customers did not have to steal and prostitute themselves .
12 In the sixties , polls showed that , even if they believed that they themselves were doing rather well , most British people felt that their country was doing rather badly , and falling further behind foreign competitors .
13 If a band delayed signing a publishing contract until the singles from their album had obtained some success , it was because they believed , not unreasonably , that they could negotiate a better contract by demonstrating their chart success to a publisher .
14 They believed everything they d been told .
15 American bilateral agreements that permitted fifth freedom rights especially alarmed the British , as they believed that the United States would be able to scoop up the best routes in a piecemeal fashion .
16 Kinship , they believed , would contrast with the relations of production found in capitalist systems .
17 They believed that peoples had to go from one stage to another with mechanical regularity and in predictable order .
18 They believed that there had been a stage when there was no individual property ; that is , when no ownership continued beyond the time of use .
19 Ardiles 's side were not sure whether they were on their heads or their tails as Bolton , still smarting from a refereeing decision they believed had denied them victory in the tie at the County Ground , swept forward .
20 The 12,000 unitholders who have invested in any of the 11 funds managed by Dumenil Trust Management , the French-owned unit trust group , found themselves this week locked into their investments when the fund managers suspended all dealings because they believed there was an error with pricing .
21 As she has a deeply freckled skin , they believed her and she was sent to do hard labour in the paddy fields .
22 Police said they believed the men — Yusuf Akhalwaya , aged 23 , a fourth-year student at the University of the Witwatersrand , and Prakash Napier , aged 24 , a part-time student — were carrying landmines which exploded prematurely .
23 In the Far East , they believed that Chinese Communist subversion would create increasing instability and prevent any reduction of force levels East of Suez .
24 To compensate for that possibility , sterling-holders need higher interest rates than they would if they believed the pound would never be devalued .
25 For many Communists , it is hard to break with the party that looked after them , that they believed in , that their parents fought for .
26 They believed in exact equality between man and woman .
27 They showed little regard for the ceremony of church weddings , although they both hoped to find some form of acceptable New Testament-based belief for themselves without benefit of clergy ; they believed , in Lamarckian fashion , that the physical match and spiritual preparation of parents would ensure a ‘ better ’ offspring , as one essential step to a better world .
28 During their courtship they believed that his true future was to be a poet .
29 Some were wrapped in special plastic sheets that formed an airtight cover around their bodies ( or certain parts of the body , most often the belly and behind ) , so that the skin perspired all the more readily and the women , or so they believed , would lose weight more quickly .
30 They believed they could win votes in Sunderland just as surely as in Mid-Sussex .
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