Example sentences of "'s attitude " in BNC.

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1 The two cases also show that change is a possibility , but that it has mainly been in the past through change in the hierarchy 's and clergy 's attitudes as well .
2 He was President of FISA ( Federation Internationale des Societes d'Aviron ) , the world governing body , for 30 years ; and most of this body 's attitudes and practices reflect the force of his strict , but genial personality .
3 In the end , John Torode 's attitudes bring into question the very purpose of law .
4 One of his secretaries Colville tells us that Churchill 's attitudes to clergymen had a touch of King Henry II 's attitude to Thomas Becket .
5 The 1990s have witnessed a shift in the art establishment 's attitudes towards art produced outside of its traditional parameters .
6 With Jack , however , things were less simple ; we come once more to Barfield 's worry that there was something affected about the younger brother 's attitudes and poses .
7 But it is still a very large sum indeed , which may be viewed with some in credulity by the millions of lower paid people who have been hit by the Government 's attitudes on , for example , child benefits .
8 I suspect that as with the not dissimilar talents of Anita Brookner , the reader needs to share the author 's attitudes to enjoy all this .
9 Look at what the love of literature , art , sport , does to people 's attitudes and patterns of life .
10 It is unhistorical to assume that children in the last century responded to death in the same way as children today ; children 's attitudes are largely conditioned by those of adults , and in our day the usual adult attitude is to evade the subject of death , to treat it as ‘ morbid ’ and , so far as possible , to exclude it from the home .
11 ‘ Something as curious as the monarchy wo n't survive unless you take account of people 's attitudes , ’ the Prince told an interviewer in 1982 , in a remark which gives some clue to the task he set himself .
12 The church is part of a wider society and it is to society 's attitudes that we now turn .
13 Then , as always , various ‘ catchphrases ’ were strung together like shells on a necklace to form a complete view that was repeated over and again and formed men 's attitudes .
14 Another study of parent 's attitudes , this time to the closure of small rural primary schools , was conducted by Archbold and Nisbet in 1977 ( 14 ) .
15 The first section will discuss Leapor 's attitudes toward marriage and the family .
16 Ruth Merttens and Jeffrey Vass ( 1987 ) in an article headed ‘ Parents in schools : raising money or standards ? ’ discussed ways in which they structured the involvement of parents with their children 's learning of mathematics and Boland and Simmons ( 1987 ) describe ways in which they altered parents ' and children 's attitudes to reading .
17 Talk about some of the factors that influence people 's attitudes to the way other people speak .
18 some of the ways in which English is constantly changing between generations and over the centuries ; and people 's attitudes to such change .
19 They should learn to recognise when people 's attitudes to language use , eg as expressed in letters to newspapers , reveal misunderstandings about the nature of language change .
20 The survey of over 1,000 adults aged 15+ , conducted by NOP at the end of November 1991 , researched the public 's attitudes to photographs of the Royal family in the press .
21 However , even if governments were prepared to spend more of their gross national product on health-care facilities , while the incidence of complications from the sexually transmitted diseases might decline , no amount of money would have a significant effect on the prevalence of these diseases unless it could be used to alter people 's attitudes and behaviour .
22 Negative attitudes to ageing may , in part , be the result of the time lag between social change and a change in people 's attitudes .
23 Research comparing young and older people 's attitudes to sexual morality has found that both groups displayed the same degree of flexibility .
24 The manager of the recruiting bureau may or may not be present at the interview , but may be present when discussion takes place afterwards , or may have submitted a written report on the recruit 's attitudes and progress so far in the bureau .
25 A key part of the interview will centre on assessing the interviewee 's attitudes towards the variety of people who approach the CAB with problems .
26 In the end , however , childrearing is very much about values — and these are very individual matters , relating to one 's attitudes , beliefs and style of living .
27 what are the individual 's attitudes to communicating ?
28 In this model this desirable ‘ professional style ’ consists of collections or sets of values attached to different aspects of the work ( such as the administration of drugs , carrying out aseptic technique , basic theoretical knowledge such as anatomy , physiology , pathology and so on ) , organised into a complex structure which characteristics the nurse 's attitudes to the work .
29 The Royal Society 's report accepts that people 's attitudes to risks are just as important as the numerical value of the probability of the risk being realised .
30 It begins by looking at the Reagan record in such areas as pollution control , natural resource management and energy , at the administration 's attitudes to the international environment ( it wants to cut its contribution to the UN Environment Programme by 70 per cent ) and at the massacre of the Council on Environmental Quality ( two thirds of its budget and four fifths of its staff chopped ) .
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