Example sentences of "the possibility " in BNC.

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1 Valuable coaching can often come from drama school tutors who can give a fair assessment of the possibilities you may have prior to auditioning .
2 The real question , he wrote , is how to keep hold of a richer view of the possibilities of life while denying the consolations of an afterlife , denying the special destiny of man , denying the Value of Civilization ( Nietzsche ) .
3 With the franchise bids for Channel 3 close to completion and the date set for the advertising of Channel 5 franchises it is timely to look again at the possibilities in the new channel , and in particular at the potential for ‘ city television ’ .
4 This is to enable everyone to advise you on the possibilities you may choose to explore .
5 Downstairs , under the aegis of Professor Garth Swanson , researcher Jim Luck is looking into the possibilities of designing and fabricating monolithic high-frequency filters , using gallium arsenide GaAs insulated gate field effect transistors ( igfets ) .
6 Their value for the reader lies in enlarging or changing our perceptions , in helping us to break out from a deadening routine ; in short , the carnivalesque : ‘ The prophets of extremity put up a distorting mirror against our world — but one which properly attended to , can tell us something about that world , and about the possibilities of changing it , or changing ourselves . ’
7 If one wants to explore the possibilities of Europe 's political future , one needs therefore to examine the development of European culture .
8 ‘ The idea of the new move is to get away from the possibilities of cross-contamination ’ , a ministry spokeswoman said .
9 And then , very much closer to the election and possibly even after the election really seeing what the possibilities are given the economic context of the time . ’
10 Britain 's savers and pensioners are just beginning to wake up to the possibilities of independent taxation of husbands and wives .
11 The Pearl has been making strenuous efforts to change its business direction , but the Australians clearly see the possibilities offered by the British group 's large distribution network to market its own products .
12 A Coopers & Lybrand report to the Government on the possibilities of privatisation was delivered in summer 1988 , but since then the group has had little indication of what its fate might be .
13 England defeated Poland 1-0 , Roger Hunt the goalscorer and the tenacious manner of that victory persuaded us that the possibilities were immense ; of that team , only Jimmy Greaves would be missing from the World Cup Final .
14 Neither player could calculate all the possibilities , but Yusupov 's judgement and bravery paid off .
15 This proposition , admittedly , is not without its difficulties when the sovereign is the same person in two or more realms where her ministers may tender divergent or opposing advice on the same subject ; but so far the possibilities involved in these different capacities of the sovereign have not caused embarrassment in practice .
16 Probably the most important effect of his reading of Joyce was to make him all the more aware of the possibilities of his anthropological reading , especially when applied to modern city life in the context of inanity or death : city life was filled with fatal torpor and Eliot described London as shrivelling , like an aged little bookkeeper .
17 The widespread agreement across the electorate on many issues increases the possibilities for voters to shop around the political parties , as well as for the political parties to attract voters who are not traditional supporters .
18 His later artistic inventions display the same fascination with the possibilities of getting inside the skin of another era .
19 Ambivalence towards European culture , doubts about the possibilities of finding an authentic voice , a restless search for confidence and self-esteem , these are among the many bitter fruits of colonial rule in Latin America .
20 These are the possibilities , but what measures should next Tuesday 's budget contain ?
21 She 'd seen the possibilities at once .
22 Try to get some exercise during the flight to decrease stiffness and the possibilities of cramp and swollen ankles .
23 But the possibilities of domestic tension were increased by Warnie 's presence a hundredfold .
24 After delivering his message of support to the organic movement at Cirencester , he held a seminar at Kensington Palace to air the issues , and he and John Higgs subsequently went down to Elm Farm to investigate the possibilities of employing organic methods on the home farm .
25 They talk not of rural matters ( except of the possibilities of old barn conversions ) , but of stocks , shares , investments , and insurance .
26 ‘ Teachers are often not aware of the possibilities and so links with local industry are extremely important .
27 He expected talks last night between Forum and the small non-Communist parties to see what were the possibilities .
28 The possibilities are : Payment on 31 December 1988 .
29 The possibilities opened up by such work are unlimited .
30 People have to attend to the possibilities for the human voice opened up by Diamanda Galas and Tim Buckley ; listen again to Faust , Can , Hendrix , Sun Ra , Cabaret Voltaire , Suicide …
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