Example sentences of "shall [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The money we shall earn will just about keep us in clothes and stamps , so that we 'll never be able to afford holidays together because of the huge train fares .
2 Very well , I shall earn it .
3 Althusser denies the need for a more detailed account on the grounds that ‘ As the formal structure of all ideology is always the same , I shall restrict myself to a single example , one accessible to everyone , that of religious ideology , with the proviso that the same demonstration can be produced for ethical , legal , political , aesthetic ideology , etc . ’
4 This at once opens up a huge field of enquiry , but since our concern here is with literary theory , I shall restrict my discussion to structuralism 's contribution to the study of literature and , in doing so , unfortunately run the risk of understating the effects of the new pluridisciplinarity on the approach to literature .
5 The examples of ( 10 ) have interesting implications , but we shall restrict ourselves here to those aspects which bear on adjectival grammar ; we take them as confirming evidence that we are justified in following Bolinger and recognizing that certain adjectives qualify another property , qua property , and are not to be assigned , independently , to any entity present in or assumed by the structure of the sentence in which they appear .
6 Here we shall restrict the term to those aspects of language structure that encode the social identities of participants ( properly , incumbents of participant-roles ) , or the social relationship between them , or between one of them and persons and entities referred to .
7 Any number of levels is possible but , in what follows , we shall restrict discussion to such two-level hierarchies .
8 I shall comment on only one .
9 I shall comment firstly on those who dealt with the sociology of knowledge from a philosophical perspective and then consider the responses from sociology .
10 I will go on to look at some developments of the Mannheimian legacy , in particular the work of the social constructionists and at the end of the chapter I shall comment on some aspects of Mannheim 's project affected by this series of responses to his work .
11 In his account of EModE pronunciation , Dobson ( 1968 : 551 ) dismisses ‘ vulgar ’ and ‘ dialectal ’ sources , and I shall comment further on this tendency in chapter 5 .
12 But it is of great interest , because it demonstrates a familiar mode of argumentation that has been more widely used in historical descriptions and that can be found in many places , and I shall comment on a similar case in ME below .
13 Taking the case of social class as an example of a more general difficulty associated with speaker variables , I shall comment in the following sections in rather less detail on sex and ethnicity .
14 While we shall comment further below on the use of such officially constructed statistics , which may reflect , inter alia , changing public attitudes to reporting crime , police practice in recording crime or changing priorities concerning crime seriousness , as well as changes in underlying crime levels , we may be excused some ironic enjoyment in examining the patterns in these figures during the Thatcher decade .
15 Of princes shall outlive this powerful rhyme …
16 " This Meeting being informed that Cart Drivers are very inattentive as to their Conduct upon the road with Carts It is now recommended that all Travellers upon the road shall take to the Left in all situations , and that when a Traveller upon the road shall loose a shew of his horse , the Parochial Blacksmith shall be obliged to give preference to the Traveller . "
17 It 's something I shall remedy .
18 The governments of the FRG and the GDR reaffirm their declarations that only peace shall emanate from German soil .
19 This is all I shall relate about Charlotte 's circumstances in order to protect her anonymity , but suffice it to say , I decided to play along with her idea of aromatherapy being simply a pleasant way to relax — indeed , you do not need to be ill to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy massage .
20 In the remainder of this chapter , therefore , I am concerned with the wider patterns of consensus and conflict in speaker-evaluation of the linguistic variants that we have studied , and I shall relate these to the concept of strong and weak ties in communities .
21 Meetings of the Members shall be held every second Thursday at 7.30 , unless otherwise fixed by the Society or their Committee , in such a case the Secretary shall intimate to all absent Members the change made .
22 ‘ I warn the abolitionists ’ , says South Carolina , ‘ … that if chance shall throw any of them into our hands he may expect a felon 's death …
23 I shall throw my bouquet to one of you at the wedding and who knows , there might be another wedding in the not too distant future for somebody .
24 And there are the future situations I sit on the bed here and think about : my utter love for some man ; I know I ca n't do things like love by halves , I know I have love pent up in me , I shall throw myself away , lose my heart and my body and my mind and soul to some cad like G.P. Who 'll betray me .
25 ‘ They shall perish , ’ he thundered with feeling , rehearsing his favourite passage .
26 Those who live by the spectrometer shall perish by the spectrometer .
27 As the time draws nearer more shall perish ; their blood will — ’
28 He that liveth by the sword shall perish by the sword .
29 ‘ If Gómez is not at the address you have given me I shall presume it is because you 've been in touch with him , so do n't phone him .
30 I shall acquaint you with my decision in due course ! ’
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